Chapter 17

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Cara's POV


Even though it has been an hour since the court has decided to give full custody to my Mom, I was still crying. My Mother is a completely unstable women by herself, let alone with children.

I felt my phone vibrate against my leg. Speak of the devil, it was a message from my Mom.


Come over here and get these brats. I don't want them.

I jumped up from the bed that Justin and I were currently laying on silently.

"My Mom dosen't want the kids. Can we go get them from her house?" I looked at Justin giving him the 'lets hurry' look.

"Of course," he said jumping up grabbing the keys to his Range Rover.

We ran to the car and of course Justin had to drive. He sped to the nasty familiar trailer I once called home. It took us about ten minutes to get there, since Justin was going way past the speed limit.

We pulled up to the driveway this time both deciding to go in.

"Get ready to plug your nose,'' I said to Justin being completely serious.

We walked in, the odor assaulting my nose, I almost gagged when I smelled it .

"Girls," I yelled, they came running out from there small bedroom that they shared.

"Cara," they yelled hugging me.

"Where's Mom?" I asked making sure she knows I'm taking the kids.

Last thing I need is to be in Custody for 'apparently' stealing the kids back from Mom.

"She's sleeping on the kitchen floor," Mandy said.


That's just great.

I instantly give Justin a look

"Can you take them out to the car please," I asked him.

"Yeah I'll be back," he said walking out the door with the kids in tow.

I ran to the kitchen seeing my Mom there. She looked extremely pale, and her cheekbones were sunken in an extremely unhealthy looking way.

I went over to her and I shook her, nothing.

"Mom," I yelled.


"Mom," I screamed again.

No response

"Mom, wake up, we can get you help. Please, just, wake up," I yelled.

A tear slid down my cheek, I furiously swiped at it with my hand.

"Mom," I said weekly.

Still. Nothing.

I pulled out my phone calling 9-11.

"9-1-1, what's your emergency."

"My Mom, she- I didn't- she," I talked frantically.

"Ma'am calm down. Do you need an ambulance," she asked extremely calm a factor I currently did not posses.

"Yes, I think she might be close to death, I keep shaking her, and she's. Not moving," I said.

"What's the address?" she asked.

"Ermm... 213 Sunside Drive, West Wood, trailer park."

"Okay, stay calm, an ambulance is on their way," she stated.

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