Chapter 13

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I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face. Damn does it have to be so god damn bright? God, it’s only blinding. I rolled over and put my head in the crook of Justin’s shoulder and neck. He groaned and opened up his amazing brown/golden eyes.

"Morning, beautiful," he said in his sexy morning voice.

"Morning, handsome," I mumbled in a not to sexy morning voice.

I was woken up by the sunlight and it’s the morning. Can you really blame me for not being super sexy?

He chuckled at my lack of morning sexiness and asked, "Why are you so perfect?" 

I laughed HARDLY am I perfect, "Your funny, but Miss Perfect over here needs to get her perfect ass in the shower," I stated getting up and walking in the bathroom.

I striped down out of my baggy sweats, my tee, and my bra, and underwear and I stepped in the shower, when I heard the door open and there, in all of his sexy morning glory, was Justin I covered my body. Not at all embarrassed but more kind of sort of silently begging for an invitation in my head.

"Justin," I giggled, "go away," I said a full smile spreading across my face.

He chuckled and I noticed that he was completely naked, not that I didn't notice before, but just now openly looking, I looked down and blushed.

No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts.... Ok except maybe that one.

 When he saw what I was openly staring at he took that as an invite, and then he jumped in the shower like a child getting a cookie.

Ehh not that I mind. Really I don't.

"Uncover that luscious body of yours and let me see some that mouth-watering deliciousness," he said and I instantly I blushed. Haha my body's luscious.

"No, you pervert," I said hitting him playfully pushing him and he was just about to kiss me when Bailey yelled though the door, "Hey! There’s some old lady out by the door who wants to talk to you, Cara." 

She opened the door a crack.

"Shit," I muttered, "what did I tell you about opening the door," I said frustrated at her, as I grabbed a towel. I walked out to put on clothes as fast as I could and then I ran down stairs so fast I almost fell and broke my damn neck, and then I jogged over and opened the door to find a lady who looked extremely tired.
"Hi! Umm... What can I help you with?" I asked politely, although I was quit irritated but its okay she didn’t know I was in the shower, that just shows you how much self-restraint I have.
"Hello Miss, I’m with Child and Family Services," she said smiling.

Child and Family Services. Oh fuck, this can’t be good.

"Oh that explains why you got past the gate. Would you like to come in?" I said opening up the door leading her to the couch.
"You can sit I won’t bite," I said smiling.

She smiled, "Oh no, that’s not necessary, it won’t take long. We had a complaint about you and your sisters," she finished.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What about the girls, they are perfectly fine," I said confused.

 "How old are you sweetie?" She asked.

 "Uh-I-uh- I’m sorry I’m just confused. Why are you here? Who complained?" I asked.

"Miss, that’s confidential, but I think you’re a nice girl. Miss Gomez first name Selena, but this is between me and you," she said as I nodded.
Jealous bitch she can’t stay away can she?
"Now, how old are you?” The older woman asked politely.

"I’m 19 and my boyfriend is 20. Who at the current moment I am living with," I said.

She asked a couple more questions, including questions about both Justin and the girls, before she got up and gave me some legal forms.

"Now sweetie, I suggest that you show this to your lawyer if you don’t want those kids taken away," she said before she left.

I was pissed at this bitch, Selena, oh now it’s fucking on, damn it. I ran up the stairs mumbling under my breath a few choice words about how I felt about all this including the following: “Stupid bitch, damn ass fucking whore, stupid slut.” I was seething.  But when Justin heard me he looked at me in this funny way, like I’d blow up at a moment’s notice.

 "What’s up," he asked sounding a little afraid of the answer.

 "The sky," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

 He looked at me taken aback for a minute, "What’s wrong," he finally asked.

Well nothing just your psycho-ex who decided it would be really fun to decide to split me and my family up. Nothing major, in other words.

"Well Miss Gomez, or as its starting to sound like she likes to be called Mrs.Bieber, fucking called Child and Family Services to try and take my sisters away," I paused, "oh and speaking of that particular bitch, I’m about to go kick her ass, and you can’t stop me. Love you! See you soon," I said as I ran out the door.

I was coming for that bitch and you know what?

This bitch better watch it.



"Did she leave or what" I growled in the phone to my PI (private investigator).

"Yes she-" he was cut off by my bell ringing and the stupid person at the gate

"Miss Gomez, someone by the name of Cara Bradley is here to see you" he said I chuckled

"Bring her in" I smiled as I heard a car door slam and then my door open and slam as loud footsteps came down the halls and finally we met face to face for the first time I studied her facial features I got to give it to her she’s pretty I’m better looking still.

"You horny mother fucking bitch," she screamed I was taken aback at first but still stood my ground.

 "Oh see you have a little mouth there don’t you," I paused then chuckled, "when are you going to learn?"

"Learn what," she spat.

"I was Justin’s first love and whether or not you like it he will always love me," I smirked and continued, "you will never be special to him, in the way that always was," I looked at her and laughed. "I was Justin's first love, I was Justin's  first everything."

Then, she laughed at me, laughed at me right in my face.

This bitch has got some serious fucking balls.

"When will you get it? Justin loves me, not you and if you, were so ‘special’ to him," she put ‘special’ in quotation marks, "why isn’t he with you?"

She stepped closer to me, so now she was in my face whispering, "he loves me not you,"  and with that she left and I stood there dumbfounded.


She is going to pay for that. Well the plan is already in motion. It’s going to ruin her.

And she’s going to wish she never went for my man.

Hell she’s going to wish she never even knew him.

Then it will be Justin and I and happily ever after.

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