Chapter 15

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''I want her gone, is that so fucking hard to ask? I swear I'm working with a bunch of fucking five year olds!'' I screamed into the phone to my private investigator that just saw said happy couple in fucking La La Land. 

"Miss Gomez, we cannot kill, or kidnap, or anything along those lines. You know the law," he replied calmly. 

"I never said any of that," I screeched as loud as I possibly could. I breathed out to calm myself down, and started talking, "I just need something on her, something, anything, that will tear her life apart into little shreds," I finished. 

‘‘We looked into her thousands of time miss Gomez,'' he stated sounding exasperated.


"Well then look for more," I exasperatedly yelled then I hung up.

Well while I’m waiting on that I might as well start doing some damage again.

I picked up my phone and scrolled though my contacts until I reached 'Justin XOXO'.

I hit dial. Finally four rings later he answered. 

"Selena I swear to God if you call me one more time," he yelled.

I heard footsteps, loud footsteps, then a female voice rang though my ears, "Look bitch he doesn’t want to talk to you get the fuck over it," she growled.

Oh yes, I recognize this voice. Cara Bradley also known as Bitch Who Took My Man.

"See it’s not very lady like to swear sweetheart,'' I said smirking against the phone.

"See it’s not very lady like to spread your legs open to every guy who wants some,” she said mocking me, “Whore,” she then said venomously.

Really? Wow, bitch.

"I’m the whore?" I asked then laughed.

"Wow you admitted it! First step is admitting it, next step is help, maybe you should go for a little more than just whoring around, you’re kind of crazy to," she said.

I heard a familiar laugh that belonged to Justin; my blood pressure jumped up a notch. 

"Bye bye now have fun in rehab," she said 

And before she could hang up I said something that had to hit a nerve. 

"Wow like your Mommy huh? Oh wait… She never even bothered enough to go did she, not even enough for you…  Oops, woopsies," I said slowly smirking and then hung up. 


"Wow like your Mommy huh? Oh wait… She never even bothered enough to go did she, not even enough for you…  Oops, woopsies,” she said slowly.

Then hung up.

I threw Justin’s phone on the ground and fell to my knees cradling my head in my hands.

Justin went to the ground with me and kissed my forehead

"Don’t let her get to you," he mumbled in my ear

"She’s just, what is her deal? Like….. I’m getting so sick of this," I said raising my voice at the last part.

I wasn’t mad at Justin, I’m just so sick of this.

He kissed my head and started singing something, "Everything's going to be alright," he kept repeating it in this tone; Yeah I heard this song before.

I smiled and looked up at him, "Sorry for throwing your phone," I said.

He chuckled, "Babe it’s fine I don’t even think it cracked," he said.

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