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     Slowly you returned to consciousness. Your head throbbed as you tried to sit up. But soon you realized that you were chained to a wall and sitting on a dirty floor. Your legs were bound as well and you could see an iron door on the wall you were facing. It sat off to the left with a little barred window.

     You began to struggle and pull against the chains until you heard muffled footsteps coming down the hall. At the sound of them you stopped moving and remained silent. The footsteps got closer and became clearer. Then they stopped outside your door. You heard keys jingling as they unlocked the door. You looked at the ground to avoid eye contact. 

    "Let's go Beauty our master wants you." You glanced up to see the tricksters from the night of your kidnapping. 

     "I have no intention of seeing your 'master'" You turned away from them and glared at the ground. 

     "Well too bad! You don't have a choice. Let's go!" The boys unlocked you and shoved you to your feet. The girl left the doorway open as you were shoved out. 

     As she lead the way down the hall you looked around. The corridor was damp and moist. As you walked you saw more cell doors and you guessed that the prison was underground.

     I wonder what else is down here. And where are they taking me? If you had to guess it was to the main chamber of the 'master'. Maybe I can negotiate my freedom. But what could I give them? I have nothing on me but my clothes and my.... You looked down to your neck and saw your grandmother's necklace resting there. You quickly hid it in your shirt to keep it protected. I will never give this away.  You thought to yourself as you arrived at an iron wrought ladder. 

    The little witch climbed up and the fat boy shoved you up after her. When you reached the landing you saw a medieval door. As the last boy came back up the witch opened the door and shoved you in. Glancing around it was obvious that they were in a tree house. 

   "OK ha ha really funny. This is just a hoax to scare me. You're just a couple of kids who play pranks on people. Alright now that I know what your trying to do I'll be leaving." You attempted to go to the trapdoor in the floor but the kid in red pulled you back.

    "You're not going anywhere." He whispered in your ear. He shoved you to the face on the other wall that had a pipe continue downward. You turned around to be greeted by a sword to the throat. They all had weapons in there hands and were 'ushering' you over to the face.

     "Down the pipe Beauty!" The fat one called swinging a club in his hands. You back up into it and instead of going down you stand there refusing to go down. 

     "Too long!" The one in red said as he grabbed you by the waist and shoved you, feet first, into the pipe. 

     As you fell you could hear them cackling. You screamed all the way down. Soon you landed on a wheel that looked like a ship helm. Spiders dangled around you. For a moment they seemed harmless. Then they started wrapping webbing around your arms and ankles binding your hands behind your back. As soon as they were done the crawled around your mouth wrapping more webbing to keep you quiet. 

    When they were done they crawled back up to the ceiling. You sat there in utter silence until the room went dark and things illuminated like a neon lights party. Then from a coffin door came an ugly beast. This beast was like a fat cloth bag that had a sinister face. It was poorly stitched but non-the-less it was ugly.

    "Well well well if it isn't my new slave~" The cloth thing walked towards you and stroked your figure. "Oh I can tell this will be fun. Welcome my Beauty, to my lair. The name's Oogie Boogie. Or better known as The Boogie Man." He stopped touching you and started to circle. 

     "You will be my slave for as long as you live. Until then you will do as I wish and you will not refuse. Now for your first task," Oogie produced a knife and cut your webbing that surrounded you mouth. You spat at the webbing and shook it off.

     "What do you want with me? I am nothing to you! I do not deserve to be here and you have no right to keep me here!" You glared at him. But he only smiled.

    "Ahhh but my Beauty you have nothing to worry about! You will be treated as my Queen! I assure you. But you must prove worthy. Let's roll a dice and see what your task is." Oogie jingled the dice in his 'hand' and threw them at you. They bounced off your chest and landed beside you.

     "Snake eyes! Wonderful. Put that on for me would you?" He pointed to a dress that hung on a rack in the far corner (This is what it looks like http://image.dhgate.com/desc_983997342_00.jpg copy and paste it into a search bar.) The dress was dark and foreboding and oddly not what you thought a man of him would ask a slave to wear.  He cut your bindings and you sat up slowly. 

     You began to walk to the dress. But you quickly turned and ran for Oogie. You made to slap him but he caught your wrist and stopped you. 

     "Oh my dear. Please do try to be more polite. Or bad things will come to you"

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