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~3rd Person on Oogie~

     Oogie paced his Gambling room awaiting the return of his trio of misfits. With his plan already formed he was prepared to storm Jack's home and take over the throne. All he had to do now was see if the jewel still worked.

     Oogie fiddled with the jewel around his neck when Lock, Shock, and Barrel came tumbling out of the tube from the ceiling that connected to the treehouse. They quipped at eachother and threw insults as they untangled themselves and stood. 

     "Well? Where is she? Have you found her yet?" Oogie turned to look at them. Dust decorated their clothing and Lock even had a bit of mud in his hair. Shock smiled,

     "Yes we did. We saw her walk into Jack's house! She hasn't left so we've guessed she's staying the night. Or trapped." Shock added since she and the others believed Jack was the root of evil at times. Like now when they didn't understand the relationship between (Y/N) and Jack.

     "Good, good. This is perfect, with her residing at Jack's home we can storm his place and take back our Queen. But in order for this to work-" Oogie grinned evilly at the three of them. "-I need to make sure the jewel still works after all these years. You three stand still and don't do anything I tell you until I say 'release'. Do you understand?" They nodded and remained perfectly still.

     Oogie focused on the three and thought up the right words to test this. 

     "You three are now in my complete command and you will do as I say." Oogie's face scrunched up and then relaxed once he felt the gateway between their minds and his open. Their faces immediately went blank and their mouths gapped open. Their once gray and red eyes turned a sickly color of green and little purple swirls turned around in their pupils. Satisfied Oogie decided to try out his powers to confirm his newfound power. 

     "Mock a ghost." The trio started making groaning noises and wiggling their fingers. Whenever they came face-to-face with one of the others they would yell boo or pretend to go through them. Oogie gave a hearty laugh and said with victory,

     "Release." The three kids stopped and shook their head clearing away any mind control fog left in their brain.

     "Alright well now we know that it works. Trickers prepare for the march!" And with that the three scuttled off. 

~2nd POV on you~

     When you woke up you noticed the small rays of light filtering in through the curtains but that's not what got your attention. What captured your interest was Jack's bony arms wrapped around your torso keeping you pressed against him.

     He wasn't awake yet but you didn't want to disturb him. So you quietly, with as little movement as possible, tried to wiggle out of his grasp so you could do something and he could sleep. But this failed when Jack pulled you closer to him with his eyes closed. 

     "Morning, what's got you in a hurry to leave?" Jack mumbled still groggy with sleep. 

     "I thought you were dead asleep and I was gonna go.. I dunno make breakfast or something." You replied in a whisper fiddling with his night shirt buttons. Jack hummed.

     "You don't know where anything is." You blushed at this since you already knew that but wanted to try anyway. Jack opened his eyes half way.

     "Well since we're up let's get some food." He releases you and you find yourself wanting his arms around you again no matter how stupid you told yourself that was.

     You both stood up and you went over to a closet while Jack walked down the spiral to prepare breakfast. You noticed a dress in the back that looked like it hadn't been used in years. Dust swirled around it as you took it out (One in the picture). It looked fine and since today was hopefully going to be calm you decided to wear it. 

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