Maids of the past

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You stood by the door waiting until you were needed again.

"Jack as you know you are the King of Halloween Town and are well respected. With that title means many things. For one you are worked year round with no break so why don't you hand over the Crown to me and I'll make sure Halloween Town is in good hands. I plan to-"

"Oogie," Jack interuppted "you've asked me a thousand times to be King and the answer is always NO. After what you pulled last year the little trust I had in you was gone. For pupmkin's sake you almost killed Sally!" He sighed and looked over at the old lady's portrait.

"You will never be King, Oogie and that's final! Now if you'll excuse me I have to continue preperations for next year's Halloween. Good day." Jack stood and made for the door.

"But Jack," Oogie quickly got up and blocked Jack's way. "you have such a responsibility! That must have so much stress to come with! Allow me to take over this year I promise I-"

"Good day Oogie. (Y/N)" Jack looked toward you and bowed his head slightly before shoving Oogie out of his way and left the room.

Somewhere deep inside your chest your heart began to flutter. (Y/F/N) you cannot fall in love! You have to get back home!

Oogie stared at the door for a few moments then growled low and deep. Oogie's eyes grazed over you.

"He doesn't know what he's done that insolent fool!" He walked over to you and grabbed your wrist. He pulled you along into the gambling room and pull out a piece of parchment.

"This is a list of things you need to get. Go into town and get them then return straight here. I need a moment to... plan." Oogie shoved the list into your hands and ushered you back into the sitting room and slammed the door.

You looked down at the paper. Raven eggs, rose thorns, venus flytrap leaves, powdered moonstone, and pearl dust? Well that's interesting where do I get these? You shrugged and walked out the door Jack left through.

~~~Le Timpskip (brought to you by hidden easter eggs)~~~

You arrived in Halloween Town after walking along the path and were slightly shocked. Everywhere there were weird creatures all around. You stared for a minute then shook of the shock. You walked into a store that was titled Goulish Goods and looked around. Across the room was a counter with a cash register on the right and the store was split up into seven aisles with different types of candies, foods, materials, and random assorted items. Behind the counter was a women that had stitches around her body. Her black hair was flat and short but her face was odd. Her eyes were two different colors one green, one purple. She looked up from playing with her thumbs and said,

"Hello and welcome to Goulish Goods. I'm Willa how may I help you?" Her voice bounced between monotone and cheery. You walked up to the counter trying to pull the skirt down further than it was trying to hide your rear end.

"Hi! I'm (Y/N) could you help me? I'm new in town and I-"

"I know that skirt! Are you Oogie Boogie's new maid?" She asked, cutting you off.

"Y-Yeah I am how did you know?" You were suprised that she knew.

"I used to be his maid a few years back. It was horrible. He tried to make me get information out of Jack Skellington. Jack saved me. He saved all of us actually. Anyway what do you need?"

"Who did he save?" You were interested about what she meant.

"The maid's of the past. Oogie has had many maids. You're probably the prettiest. (Don't deny it you're pretty!)" She smiled and you blushed slightly.

"Well I need," You looked down at the list and read out loud. "Raven eggs, rose thorns, venus flytrap leaves, powdered moonstone, and pearl dust. Do you have any of that?" You looked up hopefully and she smiled again.

"Of course but for the moonstone and pearl dust you'll need to go to Pludgy's potions. Let me go get those for you." She left the counter and went into a door on the left and into a back room.

You stood there waiting for her to return. While outside a certain King happened to be walking by and saw you standing in the shop alone. He walked in and walked up beside you.

"Why hello miss. I believe I saw you earlier at Oogie's place?" You jumped as he spoke. You turned to him and saw him smiling down at you. You noticed his smile took up almost all of his face and it was really cute.

"Uh- uh yes I am. My name is (Y/N)," You then remembered that he is the King. "Your Majesty." You dipped into a low bow.

"Please there is no need to bow."

"But you're the King! Plus Oogie won't allow me to bow and I consider it rude not too." You remained in your bow until you felt cold, bony, fingers wrap around your arms and pull you out of the bow to stand up straight again.

"Please, no one in this town has bowed to me in years! You've no need to." You looked at him in shock for a moment then adverted your eyes as Willa returned from the back room with an armload of stuff.

"Jack." She nodded her head as she entered and set everything down on the counter. "Alright raven eggs, rose thorns, and venus flytrap leaves. Will that be all today?"She asked putting the numbers into the register.

"Ummm yes thank you." You answered still not looking at Jack.

"Alright that will be 63.99 plus tax." Willa turned her head from the register and started to put the items in a bag. At that moment you realized that you had no money.

"Oh shoot Oogie didn't give me money!" You cringed and face palmed yourself. Jack looked at you and pulled out his wallet. (I didn't want to have him have a wallet I couldn't see him having one. IDK why xD)

"Here I'll pay." He pulled out a $70 bill and handed it to her (It's Halloween Town there are $70 bills... I hope).

"You really don't have to I-" You began but Jack cut you off.

"I insist." He put his wallet away and hands the bag to you.

"Ummm thank you." You and Jack walked out of the store and you looked down at the list.

"Anything else I can help you with?" He asked and you looked up at him.

"Ummm yeah where is Pludgy's Potions?" You glanced around the town and then back up to his bony face.

"Oh it's just this way follow me." Jack began to walk down the lane and you followed behind him. As you walked people, or should you say, monsters were watching you and whispering. You caught snips of their conversations,

"Ohh it's the new maid..."

"...better not mess up like..."

"...just adorable in that dress!"

Eventually the two of you arrived at a small shop on the corner of the street with a huge potion on the sign.

"Well this is it. Pludgy's potions." Jack gestured to the shop.

"Thank you so much." You nodded and began to walk in until,

"Wait Miss," You turned to look at him "would you like a tour of the town?" He asked and you gaped at him for a moment then said,

"Uh sure. Thank you again" You smiled and he returned it. Then you both turned and parted ways until next time.


Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this chaptter of A Skelly's Love! I hope you enjoyed it since this will be the first of the summer chapters that I will be writing out this summer. There will be some days I won't be able to write because of vacation but I may write a chapter in advanced to send out to y'all. Anyway I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading, and love you all!

~Luna (CipherGirl001) <3

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