Meeting the King

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     You sat alone in a different cell. This one had some improvements. A wooden bed and it was less damp. But nonetheless it was still terrible. After Oogie had stopped your assault on him he breathed a puff of green smoke and you were knocked out cold.  

     No one had spoken to you since then. The only contact with anyone was the trick or treaters. Mainly the little red dressed devil called Lock, who tried to touch you every time he delivered food. "Come here Beauty~ I won't hurt you I just want to feel the touch of a sane woman" he would say each time. And every time you backed away into a far corner until he left. 

     Though sometimes you had to fight for your food because if you didn't allow him to touch he would take it away.

     I have no right to be held here. You thought, thinking back to a lesson that your Language Arts teacher taught you about the Universal Deceleration of Human Rights. It is in my right. You always told yourself this to comfort your mind. 

    Being locked away with no human contact gave you time to think. You thought about your family. How worried they must be, how your friends must be searching for you everywhere. 

    Why did those kids seem familiar? It's been so long now since I've had any contact with something like a T.V. or movie. But I swear it was recently I had seen them. What was I doing that night when I was taken?  You scrunched up your face and thought so hard it started to hurt. On that night you remember your mom coming in and shutting your window. But I was doing something! What was I doing?!  You thought harder. A movie! I was watching a movie! Is that relevant? Is that even useful to the remembrance of those kids? Well maybe it's....

     Before you could finish your thoughts the Witch girl came back and opened your cell door. 

     "Get up and put this on!" She tossed in a cloth bag with a maid (or something similar for whatever you're comfortable with) outfit inside. "Oogie will be meeting the King today and needs you to help. Now get that on or I'll send Lock in to make sure you get dressed!" She cackled and slammed the door.

     You hesitantly picked up the bag and unwrapped it. Inside was the main piece, hat, shoes, earrings and two rings. Why do I need to wear this? 

     After a few minutes you were in the outfit and waiting in the corner of the cell by the bed. Soon enough Lock and Barrel opened your door. Just look confident. Don't show emotion. You walked over to the cell door and walked out past them. You walked along the corridor of empty cells to the ladder with your head held high and void of any emotion. You climbed up and waited at the top for the boys. Before they arrived you touched your grandmother's necklace for strength. Keep me safe Grandma. Give me the strength to keep going. Then you tucked it into your outfit. 

     The boys came up and walked over to to the pipe and opened the mouth of it. Lock bowed to you and gestured for you to go in smiling insanely. Barrel pushed you over to it but you stood tall and went down feet first and slid all the way down. You landed in the same room as before. Lock and Barrel came down shortly after.

     "MASTER!!! BEAUTY IS HERE!!" Barrel yelled to the room. Oogie came from a door off to the right and walked over to you. He grabbed you by the wrist and dismissed the two little boys. They quickly left and Oogie looked slightly tense.

     "Listen here Beauty, the Pumpkin King of Halloweentown will be coming here for me to discuss something with him. All you are to do is to serve me and him. You musn't speak to him or me. The only thing you are allowed to say is 'Yes Master' when I ask you to do something. If I allow you to, you may speak openly but that is very unlikely. Move." Oogie pulls you behind him and he walks through the same door he entered. 

     Inside was a small sitting room with two black sofas facing eachother. They were decorated with spiderwebs. A coffee table sat in the middle of  the two and the walls were decorated with wallpaper that was peeling in places. The walls had four pictures hung up. One of them had a lady with a spring dress and a pink umbrella, another was a man in a waistcoat and he was holding a piece of paper, another was a man sitting in a suit and bowler hat arms crossed, the last was an old lady in a funeral dress holding a rose. To top it all off the lighting in the room was from an ornate chandelier hanging from the celling. Oogie gestured to a door on the oppisite side of the room with a round window peeking in to a white room.

      "That is the room where you will get what you need if we ask." He moved to point at a door prependicular to the door they entered. "That is where Jack will enter in. When he does do nothing but stand by the door. No need to bow. He is no King in my eyes and he shouldn't be in yours. Now go wait by the servant door." Oogie pushed you over and you stood there silently for fear of being hurt or worse.

     Oogie left through the door that Jack was suppose to come out of. You stood there. Silently waiting.

Jack's POV (I usally don't do other POV's so hope it's good)

     I went up to the back door where Oogie wanted me to arrive at. I hope he doesn't ask to be King again. What to do if he does? 

     The door opened and there was Oogie. He stood smiling before he said,

     "Ahhh Jack! So nice of you to come please come in." Oogie stepped aside and allowed me to enter. I did and walked down the corridor until a black rectangle door appeared. Oogie opened the door and entered into a little sitting room. It was plain but cozy and out of character for Oogie but I said nothing. As I entered I noticed a girl standing by the door. She's pretty. When did Oogie get another maid? I looked at her and she looked back. I felt something spark in my empty chest where my heart would be but it disappered when Oogie spoke again.

     "Please sit down Jack! I've asked you here to disscuse something with you. Beauty! Some Posion Apple Ciders now." He looked at her and so did I. 

     "Yes Master." She bowed and disappered into the door that she stood beside and Oogie turned back to me.

     "When did you get a maid Oogie? She doesn't look anything like your past maids." I asked.

     "Not too long ago now won't you sit?" I obliged and sat in the sofa facing the picture of the umbrella girl. Oogie sat across from me. 

     She returned and set down two glasses of Posion Apple Cider. The green liquid looked delicous the smoke billowed out and onto the table. As she set down my glass I asked,

     "What's your name?" She looked slightly startled by the question and looked to Oogie. He sighed and waved a hand.

     "(Y/N) sir." She answered. She walked back into the white room then emereged again and returned to standing by the door. 

Your POV

     I've finally met the Pumpkin King. 


     Hey guys! It's Luna here! Sorry for the long wait I had school to worry about and I hated not writing for you guys so I hopped on my computer to have a write-a-thon. That's where I sit and write for as long as possible. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I promise I'll do my best to work on more chapters. Well I need to do homework in a second. Thanks for reading! Charm you later!

~Luna (CipherGirl001) <3

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