Watch the wine

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     You hunched over the small sitting table and poured a red wine from a bottle. As you were pouring Oogie  explained to you what would happen.

     "When Jack comes you stay there and Jack and I will talk about important things. Now there may be and interruption because a... colleague of mine is intending to come here for business. IF I must remove myself from the room wait a few minutes then lead him out. Remember to excuse him for my sudden disappearance. I would hate to be... untangled again." Oogie scowled as he remembers that one fateful Halloween.

      It had been two weeks since you left for the town and it took you hours to shake the little devil off and walk around. You explored around although it was a small.... base of sorts. You found a small library and stayed there during the day and read trying to find a way out and back home. 

     You finished pouring and took in a gulp of air to prepare yourself for seeing Jack again. As you took in air you smelled an mix of chocolate, you're grandma's lemony aroma, and Jack's fog smelling suit. You breathed in the scent again and again until Oogie pulled you from your trance.

     "Beauty! Stop sniffing like a ghost dog and get ready!" You quickly moved over to the door and stood waiting. Oogie disappeared into the tunnel to the outdoors and returned later. Following behind him was none other than the King himself. 

     You watched him walk in to the room and glance at you. He winked and sat down across from Oogie. You blushed but a small voice in the back of your head spoke to you. 

     Home. There is nothing for you here. But maybe I can stay awhile. You dismissed the voice and watched them intently as Oogie attempted to sweet talk him in making himself King. As usual Jack doesn't cave in.

     Jack listened to the unconvincing proposition by Oogie as he sipped his glass of wine. Oogie fumbled over his words slightly as he did so but quickly regained his composure. The witch hurried into the room, whispered into Oogie's ear, and left.

     "I've been summoned elsewhere. (Y/N)" He looked over at you and you nodded. He nodded in return and left the room. You waited for a moment then walked over to Jack.

     "I'm sorry for his leave. A friend of his is coming to visit and requires his assistance in something. He probably won't be back anytime soon so I'll escort you out." Jack stood and looked down at you. You looked in his eye sockets and saw something in them that wasn't usually there. 

     "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you look today?" Jack inquired his 'eyes' roaming every inch of your face. You're face went blank and a light blush dusted your cheeks. You tried to explain to him the circumstances,

     "Ummmmm no I'm sorry you... didn't. Your Highness you should probably leave I was told to escort you out and-" 

     "And your necklace! It fits you so perfectly! It compliments your (E/C) eyes." He cut you off. He brought his hand to your face and brushed it down the side of it causing your blush to deepen. You glanced down at your necklace then back up at him. You slowly started to lead him to the door.

     "Why thank you. It was my grandmother's. Your Majesty I do hope you're feeling alright but it's time to go now." You lead him out through the door and down the tunnel. You opened the door for him and lead him out.

    "Thank you for coming today Your Highness. Once more I'm terribly sorry for Oogie's sudden disappearance. I'm sure he will get back to you soon and continue this meeting. Have a nice day!" As you turned to walk back in he called out to you.

     "I hope to see your beautiful face again (Y/N)! I'll see you soon!" You called a thank you back and walked back into the sitting room. Oogie was there waiting.

     "Ahhh (Y/N) you escorted Jack outside I suppose yes? Good. I'll reschedule a meeting  with him later today. You're free for the day, unless you would rather spend time with me~" You shook your head violently and made your way to the Gambling room door. 

     "You'll want me in time (Y/N), trust me" He called out to you and you turned back and looked at him disgusted. His eyes roamed over you soaking in every inch of your beauty. His eyes landed on your necklace. You noticed this and put a hand up to the piece of jewelry and quickly turned to leave. 

Oogie's POV

     I gazed over her beautiful body soaking in everything about her. Her soft looking skin, her silky (H/C) hair, her sparkling (E/C) eyes, and the way she fit into that dress so perfectly. My eyes followed her figure up until her neck where I noticed she wore a necklace with an orange jewel hanging off the end. I stopped drooling over her and stared at the jewel. 

     I thought back to when I was reading a book in my potion room and preparing for the arrival of Sandy Claws. At the time I was also looking for the Jewel of Halloween and as I was studying  Jack's description of Sandy Claws. When I got bored I started devising a plan to get the Jewel.

     She noticed me staring at her necklace and put her hand over it and left the room. 

   Little did I know then that a year later the Jewel would be hanging around my maid's neck. 


     Hey everyone! I finally got this finished. I wanted to post it yesterday but then thought that I would have to write a whole other chapter to fill in for today's chapter. But I may or may not be writing a makeup chapter for the weeks I've missed.

     But other than that I hope you enjoyed this chapter I really worked hard on it and I think it's pretty good. If you're entering the Wattys this year I wish you the best of luck. I personally am not gonna enter this year but I may next year depending on where my current stories go. 

     Thanks for reading everyone and thanks for sticking by me even when I skip chapter weeks. Charm you later!

~Luna <3 

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