The Rescue

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     You walked into the Gambling room and over to the rope ladder. You began to climb up and out to the tree house. Thankfully no one was there and you went over to the open door. You stepped through and squeezed yourself into the tiny cage. 

    You took hold of the moldy rope and began to lower yourself down to the platform that hung precariously over a foggy void. The wheels squeaked and as you slowed to a stop. You pulled your leg out of the cage and put it on the platform. The cage wobbled as you attempted to get your other leg a firm place on the platform. 

     At this point half of your body was struggling to keep hold and the other half was still in the cage. You began to shimmy out of the cage. As soon as it was out the cage swung backwards and you began to fall into the void. You closed your eyes and swiveled your arms around trying to grab something, until you felt a cold hand wrap around your lower back. 

    You opened your eyes to look into the empty eye sockets of The Pumpkin King. You gazed into his eyes spellbound while he slowly rose up returning the both of you to a vertical stand. 

    "Are you alright my Poison Oak?" Jack inquired as he continued to hold you. 

    "I- I'm fine, thank you." You answered still gazing into his eyes. After a moment of silence and soul gazing you eventually realized that you two were still in each other's arms. Your face flushed a deep red and you stepped away from him and looked at the ground. Jack noticed the level of awkwardness in the air and stepped away as well. 

     "Well then.... We don't want to be found, follow me." Jack took your hand and started to march off into the forest. As you stumbled behind him, trying to keep up, you noticed a little pink on his bony cheeks. 

     But that can't very well be possible. He's dead! He has no blood to rush into his cheeks! 

      But there has been many things that you have seen that shouldn't be possible! For example he shouldn't be standing in front of you right now. A little voice argued back in your head. 

    OK can't disagree with that. But how is this all.... real? How can the dead be leading me away from three kids and a bag of.... something. How-

     "(Y/N)? Hello are you there?" Jack waved his hand in your face to pull you out of your thoughts. You shook your head and cleared your mind and gazed around at the surroundings. 

     You and Jack were standing in front of an old gate with a pumpkin in the gate wires. On it's head was a tiny crown. Beyond the gate was a long, steep set of stairs leading up to a house with a slim base that widens out the higher it goes. It was misshapen and abstract but still nice. The tallest tower seemed like it could snap off at any moment and fall. 

     "Where are we?" You asked. He took your hand again and began to lead you up through the gate and up the steps.

     "This is my home. You'll be staying here until I can get you home." He opened the door and you looked around.

     Inside the house is Jack's library, living room, and fireplace. Upon further inspection you noticed a bed and electric chair are stuffed in the fireplace to stay out of the way. You looked around at the room some more an noticed garlands and wreaths hanging around the walls. Most of the lighting consisted of Christmas lights that glowed different colors, (although most were orange and black). You cast a glance over to the side and noticed a spider web with more Christmas lights on the webbing. 

     "It's delightful." You said a bit intrigued at the change of holiday. Jack walked over to a shelf and pulled down a red book. 

     "Here. You can read this in your room until I can find a way to get you back home. Or any of these books really, I don't mind if you read them." Jack handed you the book. The title read Inkheart. You peered at the cover with interest and after a good inspection you looked back up at Jack.

     "Thank you." You bowed your head in respect. He bowed his skull too then began to climb up the ladder.  When he reached the top he grabbed your hand and pulled you straight up onto the book shelf and moved to climb up a spiral staircase. 

     When you both reach the top you noticed that you were in a small laboratory with more books and Christmas decorations. You noticed a queen sized bed with a spider headboard.

     "This is where you will be staying. I still need more time to find you a way home Ms. (Y/N). As much as I would love for you to stay alas, you don't belong here." He looked at the ground then gazed into your eyes. 

     You both stood there captivated until a little ghost dog started barking. You took a glance down and saw a dog with a tissue body and a long nose on his head. At the end was a glowing pumpkin. 

     "Zero meet (Y/N) she will be staying with us. (Y/N) this is Zero my dog. He's really quite sweet. Helped me out once or twice. Anyway I'll leave you to get settled, I'm going to get some blankets and be right back. I'll see you in a moment." Jack walked back over to the stair case, took one glance at you then walked downstairs. 

     You looked around trying to get comfortable with your new home. It was strange, this place, but it was bearable. You looked down at the book Jack gave you then you to your bed. Neatly folded on the comforter was a pair of pajamas. They were black with orange pumpkins dotted around the fabric. 

     You quickly changed into the PJ's then sat down on the bed and began reading. Reading had always been your friend growing up. Different worlds to escape to and be a part of. There was a period of time where you had no friends and no one would really wanted to comfort you or be around the Debbie Downer  of the school. So reading books gave you friends and a home. Somewhere you could go to when you were feeling exceptionally sad. 

     "Ms.(Y/N)?" You were pulled from your mind by the sound of Jack's voice. You noted that Jack was standing on the staircase and the lower half of his body was obscured by the floor. His head barely peaked over the armful of fluffy blankets. You held back a giggle at the innocent sight of Jack, it was cute to seem him going above and beyond what was actually assumed as... normal.

     "Yes?" You replied. He finished walking up the staircase and walked over to your bed. He set the blankets down on the end of your bed then looked over at you. 

     "Alright here you go is there anything else I can help you with my Poison Oak?" Jack asked.

     "No not really. Thank you for being so kind and helping me." Jack nodded and started to walk over to the staircase. Jack flick a switch to turn off the main lights and leave the holiday ones on. You hesitated for a moment then called out to him.

      "Wait!" Not only a second after did you start having second thoughts about this. But when he peered over at you did any doubtful thoughts banish from your mind. He cocked his head asking a silent question.

     "Could you... ummm, stay with me...?" You whispered, blushing a maroon color. Jack stared at you for a minute, then went downstairs. You frowned and turned over in bed with your back facing the staircase. 

     You lied in bed thinking about the day when, a short while later, you felt a coldish-warmth wrap around your waist. You looked down and saw bony arms holding you. You turned around and looked at Jack's sleeping face. It is also worthy to note that Jack was now in comfortable pajamas and a night cap. You smiled and turned back around, closed your eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.


    Hey everyone! It's Luna. Few things, first I hope you enjoyed this chapter I worked really hard to get this done before my trip to South Dakota with my grandparents as a last vacation before school. Speaking of school DEAR LORD IMMA DIE. I've been stressing out about it for awhile now and I'm worried about the homework and not being able to study well enough to pass.

     But enough about that. My trip will last the entire week Monday to Friday so don't expect a chapter. I plan to write more before school starts to make up for all the chapters I missed. It took me awhile to write this so who knows what will happen? 

     Anyway thanks for reading I'm glad you stuck around to actually read this book (which is my most successful, reads wise.). I hope to see you all next time but until then take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. (Sorry too much Thomas Sanders lately) Charm you later!

     ~Luna (CipherGirl001) <3

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