-Chapter One-

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----->Aiden pictured as Tom Daley<-----

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----->Aiden pictured as Tom Daley<-----

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Parker and Aiden were a young, attractive, successful couple, and between the two they made a really healthy living in LA. Parker was a music producer, and mostly worked from home in his home studio. While Aiden was the director of operations for an international logistics company. So the two stayed pretty busy, which didn't leave a lot of time for romance and spontaneity.

Aiden was home most often by himself while Parker was in late night recording sessions with music artists. So that left Aiden with tons of nights of going to bed alone, and he'd started to feel lonely. He'd made comments to Parker before about how much he works and how little they see each other.

There was a new project manager at work named Jace. Jace was a pretty attractive guy. He'd started to come on to Aiden when the two worked together. At first Aiden shied away from the flirtatious behavior. But the guy was persistent. One weekend Parker had flown to Nashville, TN to help write a couple of songs for a big country artist. This was the biggest project he'd ever worked on and he didn't want any distractions, so Aiden wasn't allowed to go.

At first Aiden was just fine with entertaining himself at home alone. But well into Sunday afternoon binge watching "Orange is The New Black" on Netflix had taken its toll and boredom had start to set in. He hadn't checked his phone all weekend as he was mad that Parker had left for four days to Nashville by himself. When he picked up his iPhone, and scrolled down the list of messages, there were 10 missed calls and messages from Parker, and one message from an unknown number.

He ignored Parker's message and went straight to the message from the unknown caller.

"Hey Aiden, this is Jace from work. I was just calling to see if you wanted to grab a couple drinks and catch the game somewhere. Call me back if you're interested" the voice message said before continuing to give his phone number.

Aiden release a sigh before thinking to himself. He was still mad at Parker for spending more time on work than with him, and he wanted to teach him a lesson. He knew in his mind that if he went out that he wasn't going to do anything to jeopardize his six-year relationship, but just to have some drinks and watch the football games at a bar with a friend. After about an hour or so of chewing on the idea, he decided that he would accept Jace's offer.

A couple of hours, later Jace arrived at Aiden and Parker's home to pick up Aiden, and they were off to the bar. When they arrived at the sports bar Jace ordered drinks and an appetizer to get the night started, kick off would begin in thirty minutes. So Jace used the time to get to know his co-worker a little bit better.

"Thanks for coming out tonight man. I really didn't think you were going to call me back" Jace started off.

"Really? Why is that?" asked Aiden.

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