-Chapter Four-

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---->Pictured above in the likeness of Gio<----

It was roughly 6 PM when Gio got home, his family was in the living room. The house was quite small, only a 3 bedroom, which wasn't bad, however he had to share a room with two of his cousins. There were 8 people living in his home, his family, and his uncle's family. When Gio walked in the door, he looked around and took it all in. He'd found himself a good job, and soon he would be out on his own, and on his way to being more successful than his family had ever known. What he didn't know was that his family wouldn't be so supportive.

"Where have you been and why are you all dressed up?" Asked his mother in Spanish.

"I had a job interview" he replied as he tried to make his way to his room.

"We could have used you today. The man we work for needs more workers to lay drywall. You shouldn't be running around with your head in the clouds. You need to be a man, bring money into this house, and find a wife" his father responded.

"Why Papa, so I can be like you? Working in the heat for pennies, and living in a house full of people with no room to breathe?" Gio confronted.

"We brought you to this country for a better life. You need to work and start a family. That's what men do" replied his father. "No one is going to hire a Mexican to do white man's work, and no woman is going to want a man who can't provide for his family."

"Well I've already got a job. I work for a black multimillionaire, who hired me because he liked my personality and determination to be successful. He lives in a huge mansion, and travels around the world. He hired me as his assistant. And, what if I don't want a woman?" Said Gio aggressively.

"No son of mine will be a servant for some negro! And what do you mean, what if you don't want a woman?" his father questioned.

"But it's okay for you to be a servant for the white man you work for that doesn't even pay you enough to give us our own home? Papa, I'm gay! I don't want a woman! I want a nice successful man to spend my life with!" He snapped back.

His father got up from his chair, and lunged at him with an aggressive force. His father then grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him against the wall and smacked him in his face. Then again, and again and continued until he was on the floor covering his face. His father continued to go at him, this time with a closed fist. He punched him in his ribs, his stomach, and his face repeatedly. He ripped Gio's new clothes that he bought for his job interview. His father was beating him harshly and shouting obscenities at him in Spanish.

After a few minutes of watching the life being be out of her son, Gio's mother stepped in, and pulled her husband off him. He pushed back at her signaling for her to stay out of it. But she wouldn't, she got back up and jumped in his path. Gio used this moment to pick himself up from the floor. His ribs, stomach, and face was sore. Blood was running down his face and dripping into his eyes. He looked down at his clothes, his mind filled with disappointment.

His clothes were all messed up, but it wasn't about the clothes. It was more about him doing something to better himself and create a better life, and not being supported by his family. He was also not sure what he was going to do about his wardrobe for the start of his first job. He spent the only money he had on the outfit for the interview, and he hadn't thought much past that. He didn't think he'd get the first big job he applied for. He just stood there with his back against the wall and his face in his hands. He wasn't crying but he was upset. His world was upside down and his father was about to make it worse.

"No son of mine will be a faggot" he said roughly translated into Spanish. "You will come to work tomorrow with me and your uncle and I will hear nothing more of you being gay. You will find a wife!" His father commanded.

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