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his eyes were red as they never had been before. the blue-eyed drummer was really down. nobody hadn't expected this could happen someday. but it had done.

his friend john had been shot and now he was fighting with death in local new york hospital.

ringo arrived to new york the next day after that tragedy. when the plane landed he stopped typical new york's yellow cab and he went straight to the hospital where his friend was. at least he hoped.

the way to the hospital was very long and it had taken more than an hour. ringo had been to new york before but this was for the first time when he realised it was too big.

all the way he was thinking about his mate. it had been a long time since he saw him. when he closed his eyes he saw john. but not that old version of his mate. it was twenty-four sassy, cheery, funny and rebelious john. that john whom he loved.

"we are here, sir." a driver said. ringo pulled out a wallet from his pocket and payed. "have a nice day, sir." a driver smiled at him.

ringo just nodded and then he almost run to the hospital. he didn't mind his leg hurted. in his mind there was only that rhythm guitarist whom he wanted to see so badly.

in hospital there were many journalist but they didn't pay attention that another ex-beatle was there. they just kept asking doctors and nurses stupid questions.

"ringo," yoko saw the blue-eyed man and she quickly run to him. ringo hugged her tight. he knew she needed encourage.

"how is john? and sean?" he asked her whispering and he pulled out her of hug.

"sean has fallen asleep. a nurse has taken him to another room." she replied, her body was trembling. "john is still in the surgery room, doctors hasn't said anything. they don't know if he is okay. bullets almost killed him. it was near heart-" she didn't continued because she sobbed heavily. ringo pulled her in strong hug and there were silent for few minutes.

"he'll be all right," ringo whispered after a while when tears had fallen from his eyes, "i know that
egoistic bastard will be okay and after all this shit he'll be making jokes." he laught but it still hurted him.

"he'll be all right." yoko repeated and weakly smiled. she wanted to believe but it was too hard, too painful and she was too afraid.

"i know john. that bloody bastard won't give it up." ringo still tried to encourage her but in his mind his deepest thoughts had told him he wanted encourage himself first. he didn't want to lose his friend without an apologize.

"john had a box with your name written on it. i didn't look because it's for you." she said and she gave an old box to ringo. "i knew you'll come so here it is. i don't know what is there but i think it's very special."

"thanks." the blue-eyed drummer weakly smiled and another tears appeared in his bright blue eyes. john had something special just for him. it wasn't for paul nor georege or yoko whether sean.

"john kept things only when they mean something special to him." yoko continued. "go ahed, open that. but not now. you can go to the hotel or somewhere. i'll call you when i know something new."

ringo nodded and he hugged yoko again. "thanks." he said and he left the hospital with that box in his hand. he was so excited. he wanted to know what was inside that.

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