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ringo was looking at himself in the mirror. he was admiring his new himself, touching gently his shaved ex-beard. he smiled and showed his white teeth to himself.

"not as bad." he smirked and then he walked backwards to the room with that old box.

the blue-eyed man grabbed another piece of paper and he read it.

1960, liverpool

i forget on him till the moment i've found that fucking piece of paper what i've written. am i as sentimental when i kept that? when i write this?

why am i still thinking about that boy from rory's? i've met him for three times or so, i guess. i saw him playing and that's all.

"i don't mind if you are or if you are not a queer, john. just fight and be here." ringo murmured as he took out another letter. "we loved you no matter who you are. we still. i still."

august 1961

today's the best day of my fucking life! ringo's with us. he is with the beatles. i've never been as happy as i am now. i still can't believe it. my dreams come true.

these notes ain't as bad. i was laughing for more than five minutes when i've found out that last one. i was down but now i'm cheery guitarist.

we've got bloody amazing drummer, as george said and i knew that before. one point to the beatles, zero to whole world!

i bet we're going to be famous and rich as hell. well, that sounds good. but the best thing is that i can be with ringo.

ritchie, that sounds better. he's really nice when i think about him. i saw sparkles in his eyes, i guess he is also happy when he's with us.

i could listen to his silk and soft voice for hours. godness, i love his voice. he was telling jokes all the time, i couldn't stop laughing. he's pretty nice, i admit it.

tomorrow we have rehearsal. i'm excited but i hope ritchie won't be like pete not-the-best. i think this little drummer boy is serious about this band thing. at least, i hope.

"i've been serious about that band thing, johnny." ringo whispered as a tear fell on that letter. he couldn't help that. it was too painful.

now, he was able to know about john's feels. it seemed like his band mate loved him. why didn't he noticed that? ringo felt like total idiot and egoist.

something inside him had broken. john was always nice to him. he wanted ringo singing on lps and later, he'd been writing songs for him. even after the beatles broke up he still.

in the beatles, john was that blind one but now the drummer wasn't sure if it was really right. he was the one who was blind and it was breaking his heart. he wished he could speak to john so much.

☆ ☆ ☆

this chapter is dedicated to AndILoveJohn. i hope you fancy reading this.

thank you all for your reads, votes and comments too. you make me happy. peace with you!

today's george harrison birthday. he would be 74 today (maybe yestrday, you know). i miss him so much but i thank him for his excelent music. happy birthday!

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