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the blue-eyed man was walking through new york street till he finally arrived to hospital. he was lucky because nobody of journalist hadn't noticed him again so he quicky came to the floor where john was.

"yoko." ringo smiled at her when he saw her. "how's john?" he asked her. he badly wanted to know how he is. but now he was wondering why yoko was there when she had left john.

"i don't know." she shook her head.

"you're tired." he stated. "go home, take sean. i'll call you. i'll stay there." he said and sat down on a chair.

yoko hesistated but she nodded. "okay, ringo." she said and then she left.

the blue-eyed man sighed and he took  photograph of john out of his pocket. "i'm waitin' mate." he smiled at him. something was telling him john will be okay and ringo believed it.

he spent more than four hours in hospital. suddenly, a doctor in white coat came to him. "are you related to mr lennon?" he asked.

ringo hesistated. "y-yeah." he nodded shily.

"well, he's stabilistated." he stated.

blue eyes of drummer were shining like two stars. "so he won't die!"

"well, one day but not now." a doctor chuckled.

"might i see him?" ringo asked. happiness in his voice.

"five minutes, mister." a doctor nodded.

"thank you!" ringo exclaimed. he was happy and in that moment he hugged that doctor and then he immidiately walked to the room where john was.

john had opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. his body was in pain and he was almost blind because he didn't have his glasses.

the door opened and ringo entered the rom. when he saw john was really alive he run to him and he wrapped arms around his neck.

"ouch," john sighed as his body was in bigger pain after that squeezing.

"i'm so freaking happy, johnny." ringo whispered. then noticed john's face expression. "i- i'm so sorry. i didn't want to hurt you." he apologized immidiately.

"ritchie," john smiled even he saw just big blot. he recognized his silk honey voice. "it's okay, really but- but what are you doin' here?"

"i heard what happened. oh john, i was so afraid." ringo said and touched john's hand which he squeezed. it made a guitarist shiver but he smiled.

"nothing much happened, no worries." john winked at his mate and he squeezed his hand too. "i'm okay, ritchie. but i'm glad you're here. well, i'd tell i'm happy just to see you but i'm blind as hell, you know." he smirked.

ringo noticed his mate's glasses on a table so he took them and he put them on john. "better?" he asked him with a smile.

"for christ's sake, richard! what have you done on your face?" john asked him as he stared at his starr.

"well, i've shaved my beard. don't you like it?" he replied.

"no," john shook his head and smiled at the only person whom he truly loved, "you looks great. i mean," he scratched back of his head, "you always look fit."

ringo blushed and his heart skipped a beat. he knew he should tell that now. now or never.

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