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"i said yoko that i'll call her when you'll be okay." ringo hesistated. he walked to the window and looked out of it. the sun was shining despite the fact that was winter.

john was surprised. she had left him. "don't call her." he disagreed immidiately. "just, i mean, i'd be pleasured if you stayed here." he mumbled.

"john," ringo sighed and his eyes filled tears, "i'm so sorry. i mean i was blind. not you. i was."

"i don't know what you're talkin' 'bout, rings." the younger man said. ringo turned himself towards guitarist and looked at john who now noticed tears in his friend' eyes. "no," john shook his head, "don't cry, ritchie."

"john," ringo sighed, "you know true love is like a dinno." he said and he took out of his pocket a necklace with dinno. "it's in this room." he smiled shyly.

a rhytm guitarist didn't replied. he just stared at ringo surprised.

"that's for you." he said.

"thanks. that's- that's nice, ritchie." john replied and smiled at his mate.

"john, listen, i- i-," now ringo hesistated if he tell that or not, "i love you." he mumbled and tears finally fell down his cheeck.

john gazed at his friend without any word. he was speachles and his heart was beating so fast.

ringo was red from embrassment. there were big silence in the room. nobody of musicians was able to speek.

"well," john cleared his throat, "isn't this any drug or somethin'?" he asked. "aren't you just an imagination which comes from my mind or so?" he scratched his head again.

ringo laught and he wept his tears. "very john." he cleared his throat. "i am not." he shook his head in reply.

the younger man smiled widely. "well, that's great. i just want to be sure." he winked. "i've loved you for-"

"for twenty years?" ringo completed. "and you haven't told- for god's sake, john."

john stared at him. "and now my dreams came true." he mumbled. "how the hell you know?" he asked.

"yoko gave me that old box of yours, you know." ringo replied and he touched john's hand again.

"shit," john laught despite the fact his body hurted so much when he had done that, "my shitty thoughts, richard, that's not funny."

"you're right," ringo nodded, "you bastard," he smirked, "kissed me when i was drunk. i don't remember."

john blushed. but suddenly ringo's lips gently touched his. his heart skipped a beat. a drummer stroked guitarist' cheek when their kiss was over.

"well," ringo spoke again, "it was nice." he chuckled. "that something what i felt, it was love for you. all those years."

"you cheeky lad," john smiled, "i think i'm dreaming." he smirdked.

"it's reallity, johnatan!" ringo laught.

"don't call me johnatan." john said.

"okay, but it's really like a dream, love." ringo sighed.

"i love you." john smiled at him.

ringo pecked him on lips. "i love you too, and i'm so sorry. really."

"it's all right." john smiled trying to reach his hand.

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