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yoko had come to john's room. she gave bad gaze towards ringo and she stared at john. then she noticed both of man were hoding each other by the hand.

"what's goin' on here?" she asked.

"i don't know why are you here. we're going to divorce, don't we?" john asked her with cold expression on his face. "i think you've said that after that 'eww you queer'." he said.

"but what about sean?" ringo interrupted him.

"ritchie," john sighed, "he's too little and he don't understand. he'll understand later. i don't even love her!"

"i'm still all here." yoko said.

"that's pity." john said. "you better leave me alone, yoko. please."

"i'm glad you're okay." she responsed and then left them.

ringo and john were alone again. the older man stroked the younger one's cheek. both were in silence.

"you better stay with 'em." ringo whispered and tears filled his eyes again. it made him feel pain inside his heart.

"are you insane?" john said. "i just can't pretend that. i just can't. i can't." he shook with his head.

"john," ringo looked at him.

younger man saw those tears. "not again, ritchie." he whispered and he wept tears which had fallen from his brown eyes.

"not you, john." ringo laught.

"you've made me cry." john smirked but when he saw another tears in those blue eyes of his friend he added: "it was joke, ritchie. don't cry, you fool."

"i don't cry." he chuckled. "my eyes are sweating."

"great." john sighed. "i love you ritchie so much. you know, i feel relieved when i'm saying that 'cause i know you know that and that keep me satisfied-"

older man suddeny kissed the younger one. "you talk too much." he smiled. "i know you love me you fool."

"yeah." john nodded. "i still can't believe that you-"

"love me? i love you. i fell in love and that's all. i'm just not satisfied that it happened like that. what if this didn't happened. how it would be? i mean will you tell me that?"

"one day, maybe." john replied.

"i've read those letters. you wanted to call me over, right?"

"i think so," he nodded.

"what did you want?"

"just see you. hear your voice." he simply replied. "i've always loved your voice, ritchie. i've always loved you."

"my favourite beatle was george." ringo told him just because he wanted to see john's face expression. "well, it was you." he chuckled.

"you lil' bastard." john laught. "i love you. can you promise?"

"what johnny?"

"stay with me. forever."

"john winston lennon," ringo smiled, "i love you as i've never loved any birdie. it would be my pleasure to be with you. till the end of the end." he replied and then he kissed his love. "i love you. i promise i'll be there if you want or not."


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thank you so much for reading, votes and comments. i hope you enjoyed this story as well.

i'm working on another one. it's called rain and it's mclennon one. it'll be updated on my profile someday.

peace & love!

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