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1960, hamburg

i've just met this drummer of rory storm's band. he has fallen asleep on my bloody bed! fuck you, george. why the hell you invited him to our lovely apartment? oh shit, this ain't an apartment. just one shitty room.

he said his name was ringo. pretty crazy name but it suits him well. i saw him drumming yesterday. nobody is gonna read my shit. i must admit it... if only pete was as good as ringo we would be the best!

pete isn't best. yeah, he's called "pete best" but ringo is best. that's all. ringo. is. best.

shit, it sounds like i am a fucking queer. damn it.

but the beatles really need somebody as good as ringo. then we would be damn good.

ringo opened the box and he read the  first letter what was inside. it was also the oldest one. it made him feel sad and happy. he remembered those good old days which had been hard for him.

the blue-eyed man locked himself in a hotel near the hospital. it cost more than the other hotels but this one was the closest one.

now ringo knew why john kept this box but he wasn't sure why exactly. they were close friends but so he was with paul and george. all of them were like a brothers.

he looked inside box again. he found another letter there. ringo took it and his bright blue eyes read that nice handwritten font of john.

1960, liverpool

we're back from that bloody nacistic hamburg. stu still there with astrid. he really loves her, shit. if i could only say that about cynth.

past few days, well it can be moth or so, i just can't seem to get those bright blue eyes of ringo off my mind. it makes me crazy.

richard starkey is really attractive. why the hell this happened to me? i'm not any shitty birdie and i'm not a fucking queer too!

i'm fucking mad at pete. he missed another rehearsal. how i wish i could kick him out of the beatles. but we don't have another drummer.

well, there's a lot of drummers but not good ones. good drummers just don't grow on trees or what.

i'm writing shits on this fucking piece of paper. i've been drinking beer and other alcohol for... for many moments. i mean i want to forget to those blue eyes of ringo. bue eyes and those sweet lips... i bet they are sweet.

fuck! i've done that again. why the hell richard? i'm a fucking queer. thanks, ringo. really thanks.

ringo's mouth were opened in shock and surprise. it seemed like john loved him more than he expected. he felt pain inside his heart and tears were slowly falling from his eyes on that piece of paper.

"oh john, why the hell?" he murmured while he was weeping. now blue-eyed drummer wasn't sure if he want to read another john's notes. he didn't expect it can be as painful as it was.

ringo was thinking about him more and more while big tears filled his eyes and were falling down his red cheek.

he scratched his beard. "would john like that?" he asked himself. he couldn't believed his own thoughts. "no." he shook his head thinking about if he shave it or not.

finally he stood up from cold floor and he walked towards bathroom decided what to do.

"shave it, definitely." he whispered to himself.

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i'd like to know if you liked this book. i'm just tryin' to write, you know. and by the way i'm not native english so you know. thanks for reading, means a much to me. really.

and i think i'm gonna dedicate chapters. this one is for Nikkisauraus. i hope you liked it as well.

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