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i've met a woman in art gallery. her name's yoko. she seemed like she enjoyed being with me but the only thing i could think about is ritchie. everytime there's that blue-eyed starr in my mind. my starr.

how could i fell in love with him? he'll never be able to love somebody like i am. i mean he want a family, he is so happy and pround father because of zak. that boy is like from golden. but maybe it's because he is ringo's.

i think i should try to date with yoko and i should try to forget my feels for ritchie. i mean not a bottle of whiskey again. really.

sometimes i'm asking myslelf why i left cynthia. maybe the answer is love which can't be returned... or just simplier it's richard starkey. oh shit, it sounds like it his fault but it isn't, it really isn't.

sometimes we love too much and sometimes is it so bad.

"i know i read that but i just don't understand why john." ringo whispered to his mate's photograph.

john was just smiling at him. he didn't reply.

"i think i love you, john." the blue-eyed drummer said as he stroked his mate's cheek.

things are getting crazier and crazier. i've been dating yoko for two years and something. my plan isn't working. i'm thinking about ritchie more and more.

i cry almost every night. he's left us because he thinks he's not good enough for us.

oh ritchie, if you only knew. i send him a postcard. he should know he's the best drummer, and not even drummer. he is also great person. words can't describe how great he is.

i want to leave yoko because that shitty plan about forgeting ringo but i can't. she said she's pregnant so i'm playing a role of happy man and we're going to marry too.

i don't know why but i feel like i'm cheating on ritchie. that's so crazy but, well. i'm crazy.

sometimes i wish it would be fine if there was cynth instead of yoko. i mean yoko wants to change music of the beatles and she is the reason why i and paul have often those arguments.

but i must admit that i don't love her but she is great friend. not as great as i and paul were but she always listens when i need to. well, she don't know about my feels for ritchie and my bisexual, queer things but i think it's better to keep it to for myself now.

maybe one day i'll tell that. maybe one day i'll learn how to love her.

ringo was thinking about that last sentence the most. so john didn't love yoko. he thought it was love on the first sight. he was wrong again.

he felt so sorry for everything what happened to john, what happened to the beatles. but he knew he couldn't change all those things.

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this one is for NY_Adversary

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