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after that last letter ringo wasn't sure. maybe john hated him or something, he thought. but he couldn't believe that.

oh shit. i didn't mean that. i mean i was down. ringo is not a fucking asshole if there is somebody it is me. i'm so sorry ritchie, i just love you.

ringo read another note. it was short but it made him a smile on his face. ringo touched his cheek smiling widely. "i've shaved my beard for you, you bastard. i know you loved me."

all those letters was for ringo like the best book ever. but this was real and it was like he could see everything what john had been thinking about.

i get high when i see you go by, (my oh my)
when you sigh my inside just flies, (butterflies)
why am i so shy when i'm beside you

it's only love and that is all,
why should i feel the way i do
it's only love and that is all,
but it's so hard loving you

is it right that you and i should fight, (every night)
just the sight of you makes nighttime bright, (very bright)
haven't i the right to make it up boy

i's only love and that is all
why should i feel the way i do
it's only love and that is all
but it's so hard loving you
yes it's so hard loving you
loving you

the blue-eyed drummer was holing a piece of paper where was written the lyrics of it's only love. but he noticed it was a bit different. not as much but it was.

there was something written on the other side of paper. there were also some hearts and drawing of man. he bet it was him and it was really nice.

i've written you a song ritchie, again. i think i should change it before i might show it to someone but it's for you.

remember that fight what we had when we was in the usa? paul shared room with george and you did with me. i've told you i guess for thousand times it was my t-shirt, not yours. but you wore it and it suited you by the way. but you were tickling me to death so did i too. it was a fun when we tried to catch a breath so we'd made another competiton.

but this song is about something what i feel when you're around me. this story was just a quick inspiration what to write too but this song is deeper.

i just don't know how to write it down. i mean i am a writer, i should know that, you know, but look. that's exactly what happen when i think about you.

if you only knew how much i love you. if you only knew...

"now i know," ringo whispered. all those words of john made him feel pain but that song, now the drummer know how much his ex-band mate loved him. "i just hope you still."

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this chapter is for MissMaccaSunshine.

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