Part 10

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(Riley POV)

"Is it all true what happend? Were or are you guys really.. In a fight.. " I can not believe it. And how did she know about where we were. The girl who i met. Rochelle. I let go Demi's hand and i looked at her "hey Rochelle.. ehh we-" she cut me off "You guys are very bad at tweeting .. You know that?" She said and the last words came out laughing. "like what tweets.." Demi said confusing.

"Well when you tweeted"

"Gone.. Forever 😢."

And Riley you tweeted soon after that one.

"It wasnt only my fault girl."

"And that was just the beginning girls! You guys need to realize you two are meant to be and everyone thinks that even Ellen Degeneres.." I looked down. And i guess Demi was smiling but i couldnt smile. "Rochelle dont." I mouthed to Rochelle but she wouldnt stop. "Do you think no one knows about you two? Every lovatic knows you two are together and with that live chat you guys ki-" i cut her off "STOP!! Stop okay, we arent together. So please excuse me i need to do shit cuz i have a life." I said while walking to my car angrily. I dont even know why im angry. Its just about this Trey.. I drive to my hotel and leave Rochelle and Demi by themself. In the car i put my volume on the highest. Demi came on the radio with Heart attack. Yes i needed to get all my thoughts out off my head.. No i didnt wanna hear her voice. So what do you do ? You just turn it off..

After 20 minutes i was at the hotel. I walked in and crashed down on the bed. Now its my time to cry. I cried for hours in the evening i got to twitter. Tweets off Demi and i spotted at the beach house .. Whatever .. Pictures off Rochelle coming to us and some tweeted that she was our daughter.. Not in a million years.. I just sat there crying and sighing. When a knock appeard on the door. I stood up an looked through the hole. Marissa and Dallas. I hessitated for a second but opened it. The were shocked , cuz off my red puffy eyes. I just walked to the bed and sat there. They walked up to me and sat down on the bed. "How did you find me?" I said "Jason.." They said in harmony. That fucking prick gave them my fucking hotelroomnumber like no you did not Jason fucking Derulo. "Dont get mad at him he asked for us." Dallas said "Okay and what are you guys doing here , as you see im in not a really good mood." They nodded "We know but we think you gave her enough 'space' just come back , you dont need to talk to Demi just come home we miss you and your mom has been crying alot." I looked up "My-y mo-mom?" I said sniffling "Yes and we miss you and Demi too.." Marissa said while the last words didnt came out really hard. I now burst out in tears "I miss Demi i fucked it up and now she doesnt wanna be my girl anymore!" I screamed and cried. They hugged me and comfort me. "I recognize this cry." Dallas said looking at Marissa "Yes i know!" She replied "Hey hello girls im here too!" I said breaking their thoughts "Its the cry you wanna get home." Dallas smiled. "I cant.." I whispered.

"Why not Rile?" Marissa said and rocked me back and forth. "I did something she isnt gonna forgive me." Wow. Am i gonna tell then that i kissed Jason ? Yes. About that i fucked him and he cum all over me? Not pretty sure about that one. "I kissed someone.." I mummbled. "Oh." Was all the could get out off there mouth. "And." Marissa said looking in my eyes. Gosh she knows me too well for this bullshit. "I did it with him.." I cried uncontrable. "But thats okay you will tell her and then sh-" i stood up "NO ITS NOT !! I FUCKED JASON DERULO WHILE DEMI WAS CRYING AND I WAS HAVING "FUN" SO DONT TELL ME ITS OKAY!!" I screamed and my voice allmost dissapeard. I got on my knees and layed down on the floor just crying a hard as i could. They came to me lying with me and comforting me "I am the one who allways fucks it up.." The looked at me "No you arent!" I sat up "Yes because Trey kissed Demi and i fucked Jason. Well thats embarassing.." I giggled the last words out. "Did you use?" I looked at them with fear but then i smiled "Im not that dumb guys." They sighed ik relief and smiled "Thank god.." I hugged them and stood up. "And about his music video.. i danced on him and kissed him .. I was just mad guys, i didnt know what to do." I said looking down. They hugged me "Fix it." Marissa whispered in my ear and helped me packing my stuff. After one hour we arrived home. They stept out of their car and i stepped out off mine. As soon as the kids heard the cars they came running out at me. "RILEEEYYYY WE MISSED YOU SOO MUCHHH!!" I smiled and hugged them "love you two girls.." When i heard my moms voice i was scared. Scared to be rejected.. just.. i dont know even know how to really feel. I was at the door and took 2 steps back "i cant do this.." I mummbled. "You will do great sis." Bea said squeezing my hand. They walked in and i just stood there in front off the house . I heard my mom crying and that killed me. Like the feeling your mom is upset kills every fucking one.

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