After Party

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My mind raced, I knew my dad had to go but I didn't think it would be for this long or forever. I sat on my bed, Burying my face into my hands - Trying to keep my cool. I had a lot on my plate today, Graduation.. The big news and.. Uh oh. In that second I jumped out of my bed and flashed out back, There was Caroline still setting up. Crap! I forgot about the after party, I quickly walked over to Caroline's side ''So what can I do?'' I said softly, Trying to play it off like I was out here the whole time. Caroline spun around on her heels, Facing me now and analyzing me; I was guessing she heard My dads, Jesse and I's conversation. Then my heart stopped racing as she gave me her glowing smile, Thank god she wasn't mad.

Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and I must of set up for over an hour but it was well worth it. I wasn't going to deny how beautiful my house or property was but this was astonishing. White fairy lights hung from my barn out back, Red tea lights sat with in mason jars that played as candle holders in the trees of my back yard. Of course we had a long table for refreshments, Pizza, Snacks and obviously alcohol. A few blankets were laid our here and there, So if anyone wanted to sit down or was cold.. I had more in my barn just in case. But the main part of tonight was the bonfire, I already had one when we moved in but we made Matt and Jesse go get some wood for it.

I headed back downstairs after getting changed into one of my favourite dresses, It was a one sleeve little red dress that hugged my curves in all the right places. I was hoping Damon would be surprised by it, He hadn't seen it on me yet and I was going to make sure that this would wow him. I put on my matching red and black heels and headed out the door. I was out back with in seconds as I seen all the other girls dolled up, Elena in a simple floral dress - Bonnie, Wearing a deep green dress that fit her just right and Caroline, In her white ruffled knee high dress. We all looked beautiful, And we awed over each-other.

The class of 2013 started to arrive, I was thrilled that they liked the set up and decorations and I was even more surprised at how many comments I had gotten on how I looked. Everyone was finally here, I knew these people and I had classes with most of them but the most important people of my life were here. Caroline, Jesse, Bonnie and Elena.. Two people were missing though and I noticed immediately. I let it slide, Not letting it ruin my time with my brother and friends. Everyone gathered around the bon fire, Laughing at the stupid things that had happened this year and making fun of teachers. I sipped on my beer and laughed along with them.. Jesse looked like he was having the time of his life and I was thrilled by that - He deserved to have fun; And hell, So did I.

All the boys at the party were sitting around drinking there beers talking about their pranks they had pulled through out senior year, Their laughter hung in the air as they talked about now.. Memories. Cheer lingered through everybody, From one smile to the next; Like this was our last night all together which is pretty devastating because it could be true. Some of the girls were huddled in a group, Sharing the moments of the cheer team - The guys they dated and most importantly their greatest memories together. The year I had spent here had gone by so fast, It's actually pretty funny that I hated the idea of moving here and now, I don't want to leave. This place, These people its all become my home - somewhere I actually belong for once and I feel normal here, Yeah there's the irony. An electric touch pulled me out of my deep thinking, Feeling the arms of the one I love wrap around my waist from behind.. So tempting as his body pressed up against mine. I shook out of that thought as a joyful smile danced across my face, I felt his chin lean on my shoulder as I savoured this moment for just a few more seconds. Finally I turned around, Facing him as he gave me a soft and sweet smile. ''I thought you weren't going to come.'' I told him, A hint of sadness lingering in my tone. Damon lifted my chin so that I was now looking up at him and our eyes met ''I wouldn't miss it for the world.'' Sincerity rang with in that beautiful voice of his, And just when I thought this moment couldn't get any more perfect - He flashed me that bright dazzling smile of his. ''Did you want something to drink?'' I questioned him as I eyed the almost empty refreshment table, Damon gave a shrug of his shoulders then nodded. I didn't have any bourbon, Which I'm sure was disappointing to him. I handed Damon an ice cold beer from the cooler next to the table, He opened it swiftly and rather quick.

Damon and I left the group of graduates behind, Walking with one an other around the horseless stables that laid in the far back of our property. ''Where were you?'' I questioned him in a soft tone, Not wanting him to think I was angry for him being late. ''Talking with your dad.'' He said bluntly.. I stopped in my tracks as my eyebrows raised ''He didn't...'' I started, Aware of what my dad and I had been talking about earlier. Damon turned around and faced me, Giving me that sexy smirk of his that winded me up. ''Yeah.. Wasn't expecting that.'' Damon laughed, I rubbed my face ''You don't have to.'' I told him, Him and I were both well aware that I was able to take care of myself now. Damon shrugged, Walking over to me as he bit down on his lip - Man he really knew how to get me going. ''I'm sure we'll figure something out'' His tone was devious yet cocky as his eyes flashed with that brilliant blue colour. 

Everyone had left and now it was just Damon and I, My dad and Jesse had said there goodbyes and headed off to my home town. I was going to miss them like  crazy but they were happy and safe their and thats all I could ever ask for.. I just never knew it would be this hard. ''How about an evening swim?'' I teased Damon as we headed back to my house, Damon raised an eyebrow - clearly liking the sounds of that. I wanted tonight to be about Damon and I, Our future from here on out and I wanted him to know that I was all his.. forever.

Damon was waiting out back on my patio, I prepared myself and took a deep breath then walked out our french doors that lead to the patio. Damon eyed me, I almost broke into a roar of laughter - He was obviously caught off guard because of my apparel. I stood there before him in a knee length beige trench coat - giving him a playful smile. ''Come on, Take it off.'' I told him, Looking him up and down seeing as he was still dressed. Damon eyed me, Seeing a challenge but he knew that I wouldn't take it off until he did. He willingly and easily did just that, Stripping off his leather jacket and solid black shirt - Finally taking off his boots and kicking off his pants. I examined him, Clearly liking what I saw.. Okay loving what I saw and I bet that was written all over my face. I didn't have a good poker face, And I just wanted to be all over that body of his. Damon stood there in his solid black boxers, Gesturing for me to do my share of the deal. I sexually raised one eyebrow, Scanned the field quickly - Making sure no one was watching and swiftly dropped the trench coat so it was now laying on the patio tiles. My whole body was revealed to him, And by the expression on his face - He sure as hell liked it. Damon obviously seen where I was going with this, And didn't object. Within seconds it was just our naked bodies, I couldn't resist.. I was checking him out as much as he was checking me out,

I swam across the pool, Feeling the warm water splash against my skin as i made my way to Damon. He leaned against the inside of the pool, The light blue water reflecting against his face. He took my breath away at every single moment, Damon caught me in his arms - Pulling me in with a loving hold. Our bodies pressed against eachother as the water surrounded us, I felt vulnerable in all the right ways. Our lips lingered inches from eachother as we finally gave in to what we had been waiting all day for, The water rushed around our bodies, I gripped on to Damon's hair as I had my first time with him in a new way. We weren't going to part for a long while, And I didn't want to. Tonight, All I wanted was him.

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