The past

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The culprit's face turned shocked, Outraged even. I looked over at Stefan who still laid on his side dumbfounded, But he was okay and that was all that mattered. A thousand thoughts flew threw my mind, Should I kill this douche bag.. And then an even better thought crept into my mind. ''Stefan, Do you guys have a dungeon or anything?'' I questioned, Pleased where my mind was going. Stefan nodded ''We have a cellar.'' He told me, A little confused. ''Will you help me take him there?'' I questioned him, He got up on his feet and helped the intruder up.

At vampire speed we had him locked in the Salvatore boarding house cellar. ''Their in your bedroom.'' I notified Stefan about Damon and Elena's where abouts. ''Maybe we shouldn't tell them.. About..'' Stefan said slowly gesturing between us. I knew what he meant, And if that was what he wanted then it was fine by me. ''I'm sorry this happened.'' I said throwing my hands up in the air, Flustered with my self. Stefan caught me by my hips and spun me around.. I was almost breathless. What ever was going on between Stefan and I, It felt timeless.

Our body's moved in sync, Closing in on eachother. I heard someone coming down the stairs of the basement and quickly jolted back, Acting natural. Damn, I was bad at hiding my guilt.

Damon's face appeared as he turned the corner, I leaned against the concrete wall next to the door of the cellar. ''What are you guys doing down here?'' Damon asked confused, Looking from Stefan then back to me. ''Why don't you see for yourself.'' Stefan said as a brilliant smirk of a secret laid on his face. I opened the cellar door, Revealing who was inside to Damon. Damon looked at me in shock, And what seemed to be pity for me. ''Is that...'' He started with furrowed brows, Stefan looked at me confused.. Not thinking I knew who it was. But I did, ''Yep, That's my ex.'' I said angered.

I heard Elena leave, Well.. I'm assuming it was her since she was the only person upstairs. I didn't want to even look at her, Nor Damon right now.. But, I was going to pretend; for now, That I didn't hear anything. 

I walked inside the cellar and looked at the man that I use to love, How I loved him .. that's a different story. He sat up against the wall, His expression smug as his eyes remained on me. 

I had so many questions that I wanted to ask, But I was afraid to know the answers. 

''I'm, Uh.. I'm going to go upstairs.'' Stefan spoke slowly, I whipped my head back to look at him as I could hear his thoughts ''Thank you.'' is what he told me in his head. I nodded at him, Damon joined me in the cellar as I grabbed a chair that was in the room and sat down on it.. Across from my ex. ''Whats he doing here?'' Damon questioned me brutally confused, I shrugged my shoulders ''That's what I plan to find out.'' I told him in all honesty.

Damon went upstairs, And I was left alone - Face to face with my ex. Well, As alone one can be, Damon could hear ever word I spoke. ''What are you doing here Steve?'' I questioned, Sadness lingering in my town. He finally moved, Bowing his head and cupping his face with his hands.

He looked back up at me quickly, Not saying a word. ''How could you?'' He yelled at me, I was taken back by his tone.. By his anger. I looked at him with narrowed eyes and one lifted eyebrows. ''Everything has been a lie, Everything I new or thought about you.. It was all one big lie!'' He yelled again, I took a deep breath, I knew how this went; I've lived it many times before. ''A lie? how so?'' I questioned almost innocently. He gave me a rude glance, Knowing we've been down this road way to many times to count. ''The reason why I wanted you to abort Lenora was because I thought you were a vampire at the time, Now I come to find out all that time you were human.'' He spoke low, Knowing Damon was eaves dropping. I grew confused ''Why would you think-'' I started, But was cut off ''Because your mom was one.'' He admitted, Things were starting to make sense - but even so I didn't and couldn't forgive him.

I slammed the cellar door shut, Locking it and leaving Steve there - I wasn't done with him yet, But I needed to think and to clear my head. I went up stairs, Shutting the basement door behind me.

I made my way to the parlor and flopped down on the couch next to Stefan, Damon was pouring himself a drink. ''That was rather unexpected.'' I let out a low sigh, I could hear Stefan's thoughts as they were meant for me to hear 'if Damon tells you about him and Elena, its your choice if you tell him and you and I' - I looked over at him, Giving him a quick nod. ''Juliana, Can I talk to you.. Alone?'' Damon asked hesitant, I nodded - trying to play cool. ''Well, I'm going to go over to Elena's. You guys...'' Stefan started then just kind of awkwardly nodded at us. I had to try my hardest not to laugh.

Damon and I were now somewhat alone in his house, Besides my eaves dropping ex who remained in the cellar. I stood up as Damon grabbed my arm and swirled me around, Facing him and our faces only inches apart. He eased up on my arm, I looked him up and down and realized he was tense - not a good sign. ''Juliana I...'' He started, Frustrated with himself. I waited for his words, To confirm what I heard. ''I've done things that you won't like, I'll do things that you won't like.'' He admitted and some what hinted. I kept waiting ''I've had a fucked up life, I've done things even I'm not proud of.'' I rolled my eyes ''Is this what you're going to do? Guilt trip me into feeling sorry for you?'' I said irritated, He shook his head slowly and held my hands in his then he let out a sigh ''I know who you are, I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew what you were capable of, And I was well aware of the tension between you and Elena.'' I told him in all honesty, His eyes filled with sadness as he realized I knew. ''We both have a past, I don't know yours and you only know bits and pieces of mine. I fell for who you are, Damon. I know what you did, And I just don't want it to happen again.'' I told him almost strictly, He nodded quickly.. His eyes lighting up with hope and sincerity ''It won't, I promise. I'll do anything, Anything you want to get even a little piece of forgiveness.'' He told me, I couldn't stay mad at me - Him and I were to much alike an I was just as bad as him. I mean, I did sleep with Stefan.. But I wasn't going to say anything yet.

Though Damon wasn't the most trust worthy person, I believed him. I knew he loved me and was in love with me, Apparently being an angel - i could feel other peoples feelings. The hard part was,  I felt the same feelings Damon was giving me from Stefan also. 

''Well  I do need your help with one little thing.'' I said with a devious smile, Damon cocked his eyebrow. ''I need to get answers out of that ex of mine - Whether in a nice way, Or a not so pleasant way.'' I informed him, Damon smiled - Waiting for this moment since I told him about my ex. I had been waiting for this for far too long.

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