(Chapter 1)

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~~~~your pov~~~~

As you and you mistress were heading towards the Phantomhives ball, you asked your mistress a question, " Mistress, isn't Mr.Phantomhive engaged?" she looked at you then sighed "yes, sadly he is" she looked out the window then said " (y/n) can you please sing me a lullaby?" "of course Mistress" i start singing her (~~fave song~~) by the time i was finished we arrived at the Phantomhives estate. I walked out of the carriage to help my mistress out when i notice there was a butler next to the door eyeing me with pink eyes.... wait pink eyes? oh, he must be the demon around here! i thought as i helped my mistress out. We walked up to the demon/butler and said our greeting, then followed him inside. We entered and immediately eyes looked at me, i think it was because i'm half kitten. But i think most of these were looks of trying to date me, then from the front of us i heard a growl escape the butlers lips and i giggled, was he perhaps..... jealous! no way but ... he is really hot, then i felt someone grab my hand and i turn to see my mistress a bit scared, i can't blame her really the poor thing doesn't go out much only for business for the queen. She was the queens 'doll' as she explained. That's when the earl Phantomhive came over and asked if she would like to join him upstairs. She glances at me and i nod so she says "..um sure". I watched my mistress leave untill she was out of sight. Then a hand lightly tapped my shoulder, i turned around to find a man that was finely dressed and smelled of beer looking me up and down then up again and smiled "hey beautiful, what's a charm like you working for a brat like that?" i automatically slap him in the face and all heads turn to us "don't you ever call my mistress that again, do you understand? if i was your maid i would think i was working for a peasant!" i exclaimed and then walked away. I walked to the back of the room and watched everything untill the ball ended. I walked up the stairs to see My mistress asleep in the Phantomhives lap, the funny bit was he was asleep as well. "they look cute don't they?" i turn around to see the butler again "yea they do, it's ashame that hes engaged tho" he looked at you confused then said "oh you mean the duchess miss Elizabeth well no she just grew up with the obsession of Ciel because they spent everyday together, they are cousins and now she spread rumors of them being engaged" he said "seems complicated" i say "well it does doesn't it" he let out a chuckle then he said "it's to late for you to return home so why don't you put your mistress in the spare room and then if you will, could you please help me clean the mess up?" he said his eyes going a tint of pink " ah .. sure, but where's the guest's room?" "down the hall to your first left" "ok thank you" i slowly lift my mistress and place her on her bed. I race home and gab some clothes for the mistress and myself then returned. I change her int a night gown then return to help the butler.

~~~~~~~~~~~ time skipped after cleaning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had learnt a bit about the butler know as 'Sebastian' and he got to know a bit about me. We both found out what type of demons each other were and by the time we were finished it was 3:00 am so i decided to go outside and sit on the porch, but i didn't relise how tired i was ... and i ended up falling asleep on the porch.

~~~~~ time skip bought to you buy a certain pink eyed demon~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i woke up in a very comfortable bed then i remembered dozing off on the porch so......... where am i? i turn my face over for it to hit face first with something warm... i relise it was Sebastian , i must of hit him in the chest because now he was looking down at me with pink eyes "um.. sorry but also thank-you......" he smiled then pulled you tight to him "it's a pleasure, it's not everyday i get my own kitten"

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