(Chapter 7)

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reader-chans pov

I woke up to Finny poking my cheek, he looked very scared and sad, i looked out the window and then back to finny, "Finny you do relise it's still dark right?" i say still tired "i know but b-but i'm scared (y/n)! i can't sleep!" he burst out crying so i threw my arms around him embracing him in a hug, "it's ok, shhh, shh, it's ok" he just kept sobbing, "(y-y/n) i want to sleep in here for a day or two.. if that's ok" i look down at him confused, i nod and say "if that will make you happy" "can Mei-Ran and Baldroy as well?" i sigh and say " If they want" he smiled a little then we both fell sleep to eachcothers breath.

Time skip to the DATE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was walking around with Finny since Sebastian was to busy to come'mental sigh' i look over to the spot where Nitro wanted us to meet with.(haha thought it was sebastian didnt ya) I stare at Nitro, who was wearing a plaid shirt with black jeans and the crystal i gave him when we were younger, i smiled at that thought, i saw Sophia who was wearing a white dress which looked good against her blue hair. Nitro stared our way with his smile dropped and now a wide mouth, Sophia noticed and opened her mouth as well, i smiled and waved to them, but their eyes were still on me i was sought of confused, did i look bad? my outfit was just a simple black skirts with a white laced top with a hat(your ears show cause their is holes) i had boots with it and my necklace Nitro had givin me.

 Nitro stared our way with his smile dropped and now a wide mouth, Sophia noticed and opened her mouth as well, i smiled and waved to them, but their eyes were still on me i was sought of confused, did i look bad? my outfit was just a simple black...

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I walked over to them and sat down, Finny sat beside me and then that's when "(Y/N)!! it's been a while, but you look so pretty!!" Sophia practically beamed "uh thanks and .... so do you" i say a bit awkwardly. I see the waiter come and deliver 4 chocolate milkshakes(if not order what you want) and that's when we went shopping, i got Finny a new shirt and he got me a bracelet and Sophia and Nitro got each other a ring, 'how cute!' i think that's when i bump into someone "oh sorry" i say looking at Claude, i hiss and walk away, he grabs my hand and pulls me back, i class his chest and run back to Finny grabbing his hand and say "uh Nitro me and Finny have to go but maybe another time?" "uh sure" "aww but i guess you have to go... BYE" Sophia tackles me and gives me the biggest hug EVER. I smiled and say "bye, i'll see you soon!" with that Finny and me head back to the manor.


We arrive at the manor at just before dark and we run into Mai-Rin "hey Mai-Rin just wondering but would you like to have a sleepover just you me Finny and Baldroy?" i ask her she bractically exploded and smiled "why yes i would yes" she nodded "ok go tell Bardroy and we can meet at mine after supper and after we shower!" she nods and runs off to tell Bardroy. I smile at Finny and say "you should take a bath" he frowns "i don't want to leave you sister" i sigh "come on then lets take a bath then" he smiles and practically drags me their....

~~~~time skip to the bath~~~😉

You hoped in the bath and Finny hoped in in front of you "uh (y/n) can you please wash my back..?" "Yea " he turns around and you start to wash his back. After taking a bath you and Finny go to your rooms and change into your pjs

Ok this would have to do for the night and that's when Finny, Mei-Rin, Bardroy and Tanaka

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Ok this would have to do for the night and that's when Finny, Mei-Rin, Bardroy and Tanaka. You smile and jump on your bed throwing your pillow at Finny. "Pillow fight !!!!" You scream and after an hour of pillow fighting everyone curls up onto the bed (you were in between Finny and Mei-Rin, Baldroy and Tanaka at the bottom) an you all fall fast asleep.❤️

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