Chapter 10

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Reader-sans pov

I woke up to the sounds of deep breathes, I open one eye to see Finny asleep. I smile then go to the bathroom and take a quick wash then change into a cute outfit. It had a pinkish - white sweater with a marone skirt, along with black stockings and brown knee - high boots.

After I changed I walked out to see Finny still asleep so I walk over and lightly shake his arm, "Finny !! Wake up" he groans then bolts up, while doing so he hits his head with mine, making me shocked and rubbing my head "(y/n)!! I'm so so sorry ...

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After I changed I walked out to see Finny still asleep so I walk over and lightly shake his arm, "Finny !! Wake up" he groans then bolts up, while doing so he hits his head with mine, making me shocked and rubbing my head "(y/n)!! I'm so so sorry PLEASE FORGIVE ME" he said while crying, " it's ok Finny it was an accident" I say soothing him, he smiles at me then he grabs my hand and leaves to go to the manor. We arrive their and I automatically wave bye to head to my mistress. I walk into her room and smile at her looks. Her hair was a mess and she bags under her bright green eyes. I know why though, she's been working on the case with Mr. Phantomhive and it's making her tired. I gently wake her up " huh (y/n)? What time is it ??" "It's 7:30 malady " " oh ok dress me in something... blue" I smirk at her choice and go look into her cupboard to find a casual yet cute blue dress for her to wear with white stockings underneath.

She wore a white sweater over it and put some black flats on

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She wore a white sweater over it and put some black flats on. We walked out and into the dining room, I push my mistresses chair in for her then I walk into the kitchen to help Sebastian. We ended up making a omlette and some toast with bacon on the sides. After that the young lord and mistress head into the study to solve this case. I was cleaning the dishes when someone came behind me wrapping his arms around me. I look slightly over my shoulder to see Sebastian. He smirks at me leaving me so confused then 'pow' I squeal dropping the dishes in the sink and placing a hand on the place Sebastian had attacked. I look back at Sebastian who had a rolled up tea-towel, I smirk. THIS.MEANS.WAR!! Me and Sebastian kept on doing this until I had a brilliant idea, I ran at him then pretended to slip and I yell out in pain*cough fake yell cough* Sebastian automatically runs to my side but before he sees what the problem is i kick his legs from under him and he falls down beside me and in one great motion I jump on top of him. Practically straddling him😉. I blush at what we look like but then I felt myself flip and now Sebastian had his right leg in between mine and both hands beside my head. He leaned down but before he was able to kiss me the lord yelled " SEBASTIAN WHERE ARE YOU!!" I giggle as Sebastian just pouts, he then smirks and sucks your sweet spot causing a soft moan from you to escape, he inspects his work then nods in satisfactory. He then hops up and leaves me there confused. I never thought I would admit this but damn Sebastian really turned me on just now and that only made me want him more, wait what am I thinking I can't think like that it's not appropriate!! Well he is very hot and .. NO STOP THINKING DIRTY (Y/N)!! I shake my head and run out to the garden and just lie down under and big oak tree silently humming myself to sleep.

I'm so so sorry I haven't posted in so long I have been super busy with exams and everything so I'll make sure to write more ok? Ok bye my little NEKOS🐱

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