(Chapter 8)

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Reader-sans pov ~~~~🐱
I woke up to feel a heavy weight on my stomach, I look down to see Baldroy laying their relaxed. I look to my side to see Finny and Tanaka hugging and the I turn around to see a leg on the bed , my guess was Mei-Rin was on the ground. I lightly as possible lift Baldroy of my stomach and place his head on the pillow i was using. I stand up and take my clothes to the bathroom and change their. I had finished changing and walked out to bump into someone's chest, I look up to the familiar red eyed demon, who was smirking at me. " what? Do I have some crumbs ??" "No you just always seem to  surprise me" "what's that meant to mean??" "Well I thought you liked me but here you are and you never even thought of inviting me to that sleepover " he said with a fake sad expression. I place my hand on his cheek, cupping it and say "it's funny because I'm pretty sure I was inviting you over tonight with our masters and the others " "oh ok" he said and smiled with one of those looks (😏😏😘😉these ones) and then he shoves me out of the bathroom and locks the door behind him like how rude !!!

Sebastian's pov ❤️❤️

I had to stop talking to her just incase I give myself away ! I quickly head into the bathroom and shove her out. I wait until I know she had left and I sigh she can't know what I have planned! It's gotta be a surprise (>0<)

Flashback *****
I had walked up to Lady Zeta and asked her a question "Excuse me milady but may I ask you a question?" " you already did, but continue " I smirk a but then frown at my next question " what relationship does (y/n) have with Nitro? And how do they know each other ??" " well you see they grew up as child hood friends and had each others back no matter what! But when I had made a contract with her they got separated and haven't seen each other in 10 years!! But for your first question that they both see each other as siblings and that's the only way they see it, ..... why?" She said with a smirk " well you see.... I have feelings for the Lady maid and ...." I trailed of not having the words to speak. " ok then this mission is a GO" I look at her confused " we are going to get you and (y/n) alone so you can confess your feelings to her and then you can became the cutest demon couples ever" "of course" and with that I left

End of flashback *****

I sigh as I fix my tie. I couldn't know what (y/n) thought and that annoyed me because if I were to tell her that I like her how will she take it? Will she like me ?? Will she reject me ?? I guess I'm gonna have to figure it out today when Lady Zeta puts her plan into action. I sigh and leave the the bathroom.

Readers-sans pov

I walk down the hallways wearing a sweater with a jacket and black short shorts with stockings and thigh high socks and boots with a red scarf I decide to wear a black beanie with a Pom Pom to hide my ears.

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I was walking towards the kitchen when I open the doors I see Sebastian already making tea he looks up and smiles " good morning (y/n) would you please make the masters some breakfast?" " uh sure " I say and begin making pancakes (if allergic chan...

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I was walking towards the kitchen when I open the doors I see Sebastian already making tea he looks up and smiles " good morning (y/n) would you please make the masters some breakfast?" " uh sure " I say and begin making pancakes (if allergic change ) after making the pancakes Sebastian heads towards the door and tries to set out but the door wouldn't budge! I try to help him but I just end up angry and get myself some cake! Sebastian looks at me confused and yanks of my beanie, I yell at him to give it back but he stood on his tippy toes and said "grab if then " I smirk knowing a way for me to get it, I seduciveley rub my self against him making him blush and drop my beanie in my sudden actions. I yank my beanie from the air and run behind the counter and crouch. I place the beanie back in my head fixing it to the right angle. I feel a warmth to my left and turn to see Sebastian there with a tint of pink fading, I smirk as I poke his cheek, he grabs my hand and says " why are you covering your ears?" "I'm not I'm just cold " I say " ok if you say so... hey (y/n) can I ask you something?" "Yea" " well I uh .. I was wondering if you would like to be my girlfriend and go on a date with me?!" I look at him with a are-you-sure-your-talking-to-the-right-person-? And he nods and I clap happy and say " yes I would love that " I hug him and walk out the window .

Flashback ******

It was just me and Nitro playing at the cemetary, "hey (y/n)? " "yea Nitro??" " do you think your gonna fall in love one day ??" " what!! No way! Falling in love only causes trouble!" You say grumpily " haha ok, but I think your lying, everyone falls in love (y/n) even you can't stop that" " watch and learn Nitro " I say with a look that said 'wanna make a bet' and he shakes his head in disappointment

End of flashback *****

I smile to myself remembering that day, but now I have to confess , Nitro was right, everyone can fall in love! But now that I look around where am I ? Wait I see a cherry blossom tree! I must be in the lords garden, I sigh at the relief I look around to see a beautiful little shed that looks abandoned. I step in their and everything was dusty, I rush off and grab some cleaning supplies

(Bought to you by Levi !!)

Ok cliff hanger haha sorry I haven't been posting often 😢 I will try and do better ❤️

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