(Chapter 9)

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Readers pov
I was grabbing all the cleaning supplies I thought I would need and started heading back to the way I came. I saw the cherry blossom tree that I had walked past, and then I saw the little shed and sighed I knew this was gonna be a while but Sebastian can handle things right?  I walk into the shed and smile to myself. This will be such a nice place to stay! I start cleaning and polishing everything that's when I heard yelling. It was Finny! I run out and see Finny worried I smile and he looks behind me saying " what are you doing ??" " nothin " he looks at me then smiles - uh oh- he does the kitty eyes and practically makes me tell him " fine " he smiles and I say " promise not to tell anyone !" He nods and I say " I am making my own little space" he sees the shed and says " can I help ?" The truth was you didn't want to have dirt as your floor do you say " sure can you cut up some wood so make that as the floor ?" " sure thing" and with that he ran of the get you the flooring. After 2 hours Finny came back with a whole heap of wood on his shoulder I smile at Finny and ask " could you please help me?"  "Yes" Finny helped me with the flooring and helped me with polishing it. I then said " would you like to help me go shopping for the furniture ??"  He nodded as a yes and that's when I grabbed Finny and we went to the shops.

****time skip to after shopping ******

Finny and I were walking in the new place that we were gonna decorate! I had bought a double bed that had blue and black covers on it. I had bought to matching lamps that were able to change from brightness. I also bought a cat kingdom for me to change into my Cat self. I walk over and place a carpet down and Finny brings in the cupboard  and helps me put up shelves for all my manga!  I ask him to add one window and he adds the curtain for me as well. I was about to say thank you when heard a high pitched scream so I ran towards it. I turn to see Ciel standing in front at of Lady Zeta with a little scissor in his arm. I turn around to see a lady or was it a guy I had know idea anyway he/she was had another scissor in his hand smiling maniacally. I pull out my rose-gold cutlery and put them in a defensive look. The what I presumed was a guy grim reaper looked really mad and he had blood lust in his eyes " so this is the mistake that my bassy wants!!" I looked at her really confused like what did he mean? Was I a mistake ? To Sebastian ?? I didn't want to seem weaker so I put an emotionless face on but I was secretly dying. I look at Sebastian who was attending the masters wounds and I turn around to see a red blur pass me, I turn around to see him hugging Sebastian, I let out a low growl and walked away back to my little hut. Once I was there I finished everything and asked Finny " wanna sleep in here with me ?" " I would love to !" I smile and change out of my clothes and me and Finny fall into a deep sleep.

**time skip **

It was the next morning and you were woken up by Finny poking your cheek, you moan slightly trying to wake up properly, he laughs at me and I wake up and he smiles at me I smirk and turn into my cat form.

It was the next morning and you were woken up by Finny poking your cheek, you moan slightly trying to wake up properly, he laughs at me and I wake up and he smiles at me I smirk and turn into my cat form

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He was shocked then said " let's play a prank on Sebastian since he loves cats " he smiled so much and I couldn't wait till I see his face in da end so I meow as my response. He picks me up in his arms and runs into the forest and grabs some dirt and rubs it against me. I meow a sad meow and he gives me one of those ' sorry' looks and runs into the back way to the servants rooms and bangs on Sebastian's door. He opens it and immediatly grabs me from Finny and says " why aren't you a beautiful little kitten" he said smothering me with kisses and cuddles and I admit I liked it. I saw Finny and he winked at me and left me alone with him. Sebastian placed me on his bed and walked into his bathroom to grab a cloth and water to wipe away the dirt bit as soon as he came out I bolted to the door realising my fur would get wet! I ran all the way to the kitchen and hid in the potatoes cupboard, Sebastian found me and giggled he said " you remind me of this really cute girl I like (y/n) she is so beautiful and her eyes can melt me, it's really funny you know because I don't even know if she actually likes me or not." He said with a sigh I was really shocked and I knew what I had to do next, I changed back into my normal neko self leaving a surprised Sebastian staring I giggled then leaned in and passionately kissed him, he kissed back and deepened the kiss he licked the edge of my lips asking for access but I denied he smirked and squeezed my higher thighs  making me gasp letting time for Sebastian to slide his you tongue into my mouth. After about 5 minutes I broke the kiss looking deep into his eyes." Does that answer your question?" He smirked and said " no .... but if you tell me how you turned into a cat then yes" I giggle and I just transformed into a cat and hoped out the window leaving a really confused Sebastian. I walk back to the little cottage. Finny was there and I walked up to him and jump into his lap. He laughs and then says " (y/n) I have a question " I meow in response "do you like Sebastian?" I blush so bad so i head right into the cat kingdom and hide under the bed. Finny laughs and says "it's ok I won't tell I promise " I walk out and lay in the bed because it had gotten really late Finny laid beside me and I soon found myself on top of his chest snuggling into his warmth purring.

His little kitten ( a Sebastian x reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now