Chapter 13

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Your pov

It's finally the day!! Today's the day where I'm going to marry Sebastian. As I look down at my (colour) dress it seemed to be a bit to long for my liking. As Mei-rin was doing my makeup I couldn't stop thinking about how this is going to end. I'm soo worried like what if he doesn't want me anymore? "Miss (name) it's ok now I need you to breathe in and out yes I do" as I do what Mei-rin said I was calming down more. After she did my makeup I put my shoes on and then we headed out to the ceremony. As we where right in front of the door I took one sturdy breathe, I looked over at Finny and Bard to seem them both smile at me and take both sides, yes both sides I mean, I'm different( I also didn't want to choose). As Mei-Ron opened the door for me, I look straight ahead of me to see all the rows filled, and everyone either gawking at my looks or smiling in appreciation, I nod as we continue to walk down the aisle, I could see bard and Finny both crying, I squeeze their hands and whisper "it's ok" they just nod and smile, once we reached the end, I let go of both of them, as I grab Sebastian's hand I feel myself being pulled back, as I turn towards Claude I feel something being sprayed into me. Then darkness. (I'm so sorry but I couldn't think of anyone else)

Sebastian's pov

I've nearly grabbed (name)s hand when Claude had pulled her back spraying something onto her, causing her to go unconscious. "CLAUDE!!! Give me my soon-to-be-wife right now!" Claude looks up as if he was sympathetic making Sebastian freeze. "Sebastian I didn't want to take my sister... but my master ordered me" and with that he ran. Everyone was frozen, unable to think. Sebastian then ran after you, reaching Alois Trancys manor he searches for you to find Lady Jasmin and her butler Nitro arguing with Alois. "Alois Trancy I will not tolerate this! Your not touching her do you understand me. She's Lady Zeta's maid and we should leave it at that!" " NO WE SHOULDNT!!!! You deserve better then this filth-" Hey to let you know I have done my job!!" " but not as good as (name) would have" Alois was now red in the face. That's when Claude stepped in, holding you in his arms, " master, if I may speak, I do not wish my sister to do this, her happiness is all I want" "shut it Claude your the reason she became a demon, and now look she hates you" Claude looked down in shame. That's when he looked back up " then I shall make her forget me," then he started chanting some words that Sebastian had never heard before, then Alois started yelling, then 'poof' Claude was gone and Nitro jumped forward catching (name). Nitro looks at (name) then at Lady Jasmin. " Nitro I order you to kill Alois" he looks shocked but does as told.  After Alois is killed (name) started to gain consciousness.

Your pov

I was slowly waking up to talking. Wait Nitro? As I open my eyes I see Nitro carrying me while walking with Lady Jasmin, I also notice a certain demons here. "Your awake" Nitro says I nod and try to stand but fail. "Take it easy" I nod and smile, just then Sebastian comes running but stops himself right in front of me with a look of worry in his eyes. He looks at Nitro and nods in gratitude. I then get passed over to Sebastian I mean I'm pretty sure I can walk!!! I look up to see Sebastian smile down at me. I huff and look away. I look at Nitro and smile " thank you" he smiles back his goofy smile "your welcome" after Sebastian said his very quiet thanks he hurried of, back to the wedding. During the way back Sebastian asked me a shocking question " so is Claude you brother?" I look down and felt myself getting angry but then very sad. " when we were both mortal, Claude was indeed my older brother, I was adopted. After a few years Claude had done something unthinkable. He killed our parents and turned himself and me against my own will, in to demons" I say now very sad Sebastian looked down apologetic. "I'll protect you my love~" I smile at Sebastian " I know" we then arrive at the wedding and everything restarted.

~ time skip after vows and I do's cause I don't know that stuff~

Me and Sebastian were currently in the garden. Walking around talking, as we head back we can't help but notice the lords fountain, as we look closer we see the lord kissing Lady Zeta!! I ship them so much! As we continue to the manor I smile at Sebastian. "What is it Mrs.Michaelis?" He said cockily, "why nothing Mr.Michaelis. Just thinking if we should try and make some tiny Michaelis's that's all" I smirk as I see a light blushed. He then moved closer towards me and made me stop by stepping in front of me. "We could always make that happen~" I pretend to make my way up to his lips when 'bam' I say "tag" and run of giggling " if you wanna make love tonight then you have to catch me~" I wink and run off.
" dang (name) but hey I love her, and I want to love my future children sooo..." and with that Mr.Michaelis and Mrs.Michaelis lives happily ever after, well until... nah that's another story

The end!!!!

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