(Chapter 2)

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your pov

"it's a pleasure, it's not every day i get my own kitten" he practically beamed. I smirked then hoped out of his embrace then neatly tidied my side of the bed. I look up at him then say " you must earn me, i am not a toy" and after i say that i leave. I go to tend to my mistress when 'crash' i look back to see a butler with golden eyes and shining glasses. He suddenly grabs my waist and drags me out the window.

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

you had gotton tired from the ride so you had fallen asleep, but you awoke in a shining bed with a girl sitting next to you. She had brown hair and hazel eyes and a golden ring that had an aqua-blue diamond in the center, that's when a boy with blonde walked in and smiled "hello dear (y/n) my name is Alois Trancy, next to me is my beautiful fiance Jasmin Goodman!" "well hello Mr.Trancy, but would you please tell me WHY THE F### AM I HERE!" "oh yes , well my dear (y/n)-" "don't call me your dear ok" i interupt "oh ok then well we have a proposal for you!" you just gave them all death glares so he continued "We all would like you to form a contract with Jasmin!" i look at him and sigh "do you really think i would do such a dumb thing? because the answer is no because i have a better mistress and i am one of the 2 rare demons to get " i say while looking away. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'SUCH A DUMB THING' JASMIN IS AMAZING AND.. AND DESERVES EVERY RIGHT TO HAVE AN AMAZING DEMON!" I look at the blonde boy then say " It's not that i mean to offend you jasmin" i say looking at her "it's just that i have a master and i don't want another one, but if you want a demon i can summon an old friend that owes me" i say looking straight into Jasmins eyes. suddenly she brightened up and said "yes please!" "ok but i need everyone but Jasmin to leave" as everyone left Alois gave Jasmin a quick hug then it was just Jasmin and me alone. "Jasmin the demon that i am summoning is a man but he will protect you" i say she nods then says "(y/n) what did you mean that you were one of the 2 rare demons to get?" "well i am one of the 2 demons that control the underworld, i have the fire and and air elemental power, The other is Nitro, he is the demon of water and earth, he is also half dog!" i practically beamed. "do you like him?" Jasmin said with a smirk, "what are you on about! Me and Nitro are only friends!" i say i calm down a bit then return to her and say "I must have complete silence while i am chanting ok?" "sure!" i started to mutter a chantment and that's when black smoke whirled around me. A familiar figure was standing right infront of me. He was wearing his usual black tailored suit and his golden/blonde hair shined. But the only thing standing out was his emerald green eyes. "(nickname) haven't seen you in a while" he came up and hugged you "yea i know right, but back to business, i need to ask for that favour!" "anything for you (nickname)" "well my good friend here Jasmin needs a demon butler so i was wondering...." you trailed off. "you were wondering if i could? well only if you do one thing that is" i blink at him and say "and what is this one thing?" " if you find a guy to come on a date with me and sophia!" he said with hope in his eyes. I look at Jasmin then say to her "do you really need a demon butler?" she nods furiously "ahhhh........ fine" i say grumpily, Nitro new that i hated dating so he always tried getting me to date someone. Great i say looking at the time, it was 10 in the morning and my mistress would be getting worried now. I was looking over my shoulder to see Jasmin getting her markings on her tongue. She smiled then said "i would like to invite you and your mistress to come shopping with me today" i bowed then said "i shall go get my mistress and we shall meet where?" i say "at the candy shop, and make sure it's just you guys" "of course " i say and jump out the window to go to the Phantomhive estate. I arrived at the front and then all the servents just burst through and tackle me, "oh miss (y/n) we have missed you very much!" finny cried out and i hugged them all and said "it's ok, don't worry i'm back now, but i must tend to the mistress, how about we sneek some tea and cookies later!" i say they all stop crying and smile, i wipe the last tear of finny then say " me and the mistress must go out for the day, but after we will do that yea?" "yes" they all say in unision. I walk up the stairs but finny grabs my wrist and i look him in his eyes, "(y/ n) can you please carry me my feet hurt" i smiled at him the said sure, i carried him like a baby then went to the first aid box in the kitchen and put an ice pack on his foot then left them there to search for my mistress. I hear someone crying, i find my mistress crying on the bed i was meant to sleep on, i walk in the room and shut the door quietly then head over to my mistress, i grab one of her hands and squeezed them, she looked up and jumped high into my arms. (Y/N) I HAVE MISSED YOU!" "it's ok, but you have a busy day now, we are to meet a acquaintance of mine who has asked for your presence." "of course, but could you please change me me into my black with black lace dress then?" "of course milady" i changed my mistress then she looked at me then said "change into something nicer please" "of course" i grab out a dress of mine, it was (fav colour) with white lacing on it, it had a white bow at the back and it also had a black choker with a bell on it to go with my dress. I put on my outfit and meet my mistress outside my door, we head to Ciels studyroom and i knock "come in" i opened the door for my mistress and i head in after, both Sebastian and Ciel were shocked to see me but i just smirked. Ciel just looked at Zeta and said "are you going out?" "yes, we shall be back before supper tho" "can we come?" Sebastian said staring at me with pink eyes "i'm sorry, but the request was for us..... alone" i say awkwardly. "oh ok then, well i shall see you later then" Ciel said. As we were leaving we had taken a cheesecake and ran out giggling.

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