(Chapter 4)

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readers pov

I was getting Lady Zeta ready but all i could think about was my actions towards Sebastian the other day, the only thing weird was that i don't want to take it back. I looked at my mistress and smiled, she always looked gorgeous in black, she was wearing a long black gown that went to her feet, it was strapless and it had a bit of bling at the top.

My mistress stared at me and said "(y/n) i order you to wear something much more elegant and nicer then your maids outfit!" she said trying to stiffle a giggle "yes milady" so i left looking for a ball gown that i thought would suit me

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My mistress stared at me and said "(y/n) i order you to wear something much more elegant and nicer then your maids outfit!" she said trying to stiffle a giggle "yes milady" so i left looking for a ball gown that i thought would suit me. I looked through the cupboard and found a beautiful pinkish dress that went to below my knees and had black lace at the top, so i placed on the dress and placed on stockings( black but had cats on them) and delicately placed a pink crystal on my neck that i got from Nitro when we were younger.

 I looked through the cupboard and found a beautiful pinkish dress that went to below my knees and had black lace at the top, so i placed on the dress and placed on stockings( black but had cats on them) and delicately placed a pink crystal on my ...

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I walk back to my mistress and she smiled and said " you look beautiful! now let's go to the Trancy's Ball!"" of course" and we headed to the stair case, at the bottom was ciel wearing his navy blue suit, and sebastian in his usual butler uniform

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I walk back to my mistress and she smiled and said " you look beautiful! now let's go to the Trancy's Ball!"" of course" and we headed to the stair case, at the bottom was ciel wearing his navy blue suit, and sebastian in his usual butler uniform.

I walk back to my mistress and she smiled and said " you look beautiful! now let's go to the Trancy's Ball!"" of course" and we headed to the stair case, at the bottom was ciel wearing his navy blue suit, and sebastian in his usual butler uniform

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Sebastians pov

I sensed that they were coming so i looked up at the stairs and nearly choked out of not breathing, (y/n) was looking down at her necklace rubbing it then looked up again and smirked at me, so i said trying to breathe again " Are you ready?" (y/n) took a step then looked down then ran to her room leaving everyone confused then came back with a bag and said "right this way" they both started walking down the stairs but (y/n) grabbed Zeta and hurled her to Sebastian and Sebastian caught her then all eyes looked at (y/n) who held a bullet which went right in between the eyes. She drooped the bullet and grabbed her rose-gold cutlery and threw it through the window and smiled at all of them, "now, shall we?" and walked down the rest of the stairs and grabbed her mistress and walked into the carriage. They traveled in silence until they arrived at the Trancy manor, when the men hoped out (y/n)shut the door before her lady could get out.

readers pov

"(Y/N)! why did you shut the door?" "milady i thought i should inform you when the men weren't here but you appear to be wearing no shoes....'' she looked down and looked back at me ashamed, so i placed the silver (flats/hells- your choice) and slipped them on her feet. We walked out the carraige and then Ciel said "ready now?" with an impatiant look. "yes" Zeta says and walks beside him as Sebastian and myself walk behind them. We were a few paces behind but they couldn't hear us because of the music that's when a familiar blonde puppy came and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the front with Lady Zeta and phantomhive. "if i may ask for your permission, but may i dance with (y/n)?" he asked with his eyes looking so hopeful Zeta just giggled and said "sure but for how long?" she said "i shall bring her home before midnight, i promise!" he said grabbing my hand binding his fingers with mine and running of.

Lady Zeta's pov

I giggled at the sight, i knew what the plan was but Sebastian and Ciel didn't, so i turned my head to Ciel who was staring wide eyes at Sebastian, i turn to see him red eyed and looking like he was gonna F&C^I$G KILL SOMEONE! I say to Sebastian half not trying to laugh "why don't you walk around and look for somewhere suitable for us " i say giving him a look that i meant he can spy, he nodded and his red eyes vanished and said "yes milady" and practically ran off. I turn to Ciel who was staring but he must of noticed and turned away blushing a light pink, "w-would you l-like to dance L-Lady Zeta?" he said still looking at the ground "sure " you say and he looks up and gave a smirk then held out his hand and you placed it in his hand and walked to the ball dance(thingi) and we started dancing.

readers pov

You were leaning your head on Nitro's shoulder and looked around but you noticed something shining around Nitro's neck so you tugged it and he laughed and grabbed out what was creating your curiosity. He bulled out a green crystal that resembled yours you gasp then show him yours which led him to look shocked we just put the necklace's down and i resumed to have my head on his neck he said "you've kept it all these years?" "of course i did" you say giving him a squeeze in return he did the same. I noticed that my mistress was getting very close to Lord Phantomhive. I also noticed that Sebastian has been staring at me with pink but also a tint of red eyes so i hope that he understands that it was all apart of a plan because i really did like him. All of a sudden i heard a noise and perked my ears up, "he's here" i say looking at Nitro, he simply nods and goes to get the trap ready, i turn and walk to my mistress and say "it's time milady" i say nodding she turns to Ciel and says "please excuse me i will be back soon" and we walk of outside and begin to play our roles.

nitros necklace

nitros necklace

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sebastians death stare

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sebastians death stare

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