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Your POV

"MUMMMMYYYY" I turn to see Rhys running to me naked while Sebastian and Ciel are chasing him. I giggle and scoop him in my arms. " and why don't you have clothes on?" He does a cute giggle and replies " daddy was being boring" he pouts and says "plus I'm hungry!!" I laugh and give him a cookie. " now let Daddy and Ciel dress you so we can have a normal family dinner" "ok". I hand Rhys over to Sebastian and watch them walk back to wherever. I finish the roast and go to get changed.( cute dress/ whatever you want) I walk down to meet Sebastian, Ciel, Lady Zeta and my son. As we approach the carriage Rhys kept on babbling about bugs. I smile at my son and face my beloved. I smile at him and he returns the smile. As we reach the house we see Finny, Bard, May-Rin and Tanaka. As we all head in. I have the roast to Bard and he nods at me . I smile and we all enjoy the night. I can't help but think how this is how it should of been.  I then feel sick and excuse my self rushing to the bathroom.

Lady Zeta's pov

I see (y/n) rush of and I excuse myself and follow her. I see her vomiting in a toilet and help her. After she's done I ask the obvious question. " are you pregnant?" She looks at me and nods. " don't tell Sebastian!" Right when she said that he walked in and said to me " can you please give me and (y/n) a moment?"  I nod and walk out. R.I.P (y/n).

Your POV

I see Sebastian look at me with a sad look. " why didn't you want me to know?" I look down and say " we already have Rhys I didn't want to stress you more" he smiles and says " I'm more exited" I smile and then he ask " should we tell them?" I nod and as we walk out everyone was their and shouts "congrats" I smile and Finny and Bard can't stop crying that their gonna be an uncle until we remind them that they already were. Like I said. I can't anything else that's better then this moment


Hey Neko-chans I hope you like it. That's it love ya x

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