(Chapter 5)

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readers pov

I walked behind the tree and jumped onto the highest branch and then i saw Nitro on the other side of our mistress's. That's when we saw them, there was two guys walking over to my mistress while she put on her coat, she turned around and that was when he grabbed her wrist and pulled out a knife, i didn't hesitate, i jumped down and grabbed the guy and threw him at the carriage. He hit it with a 'thump' and stayed unconscious, i look over my shoulder to see the other man (still conscious) being dragged by Nitro and then i turned around and said to the other man who was with Nitro "are you and this man Alvin Cargarge and Brock Drake ?"(haha i made that up btw) "y-yes" he says i walk up and say "you are under errest for the murders of children all over London!" and with that Nitro teleported them and came back to the Ball, that's when it started to rain and we went under the porch, "I believe we should grab Ciel and leave" Lady Zeta said to me "yes Milady " i say and head towards to find sir Phantomhive, i had found him and politely said "sir Phantomhive, Milady Zeta would like to know if you would like to accompany her on her travel back?" he viciously nods and i smirk, he calls Sebastian and then we head off to see milady. We get to our carraige when "ahchoo" i turn to see Sebastian with a pink nose and it was also running. wait does he have a cold? i turn around and sigh i took of my (f/c) jacket and wrap it around him i smile at him and tell him " well unless you want to get more sick then hop in" he looked shocked but nodded, i hoped in next to the servants and we headed off to the manor.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip to the manor~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

your pov

I walked down the corridors of the manor when "achoo, achoo!" I peep into Sebastians room to see if he was alright, but i guess i walked in at the wrong time, he was shirtless, trying to put on the t-shirt, it look like he was having trouble, i see him so helpless it made me sad, so i walked in and went up to him. "Sebastian, are you sick?" he looked at the floor and said "no-achoo" i sigh and stand infront of him, unbuttoning his shirt, he seemed surprised then just smirked, "kitten shouldn't tease me" he said, i just roll my eyes and push him onto the bed, i roll him over and place him under the covers. "Now stay and rest, I'll take care of everything" he nodded and i went to turn around but he grabbed my wrist " my kitten would you come back and stay with me the night" i blush at his actions then said "yea sure" he smirked then let me go. I go down stairs and clean everything up and go upstairs and see my mistress and Ciel sleeping together, oh how cute i think, i go and find a bowl of water and a cloth and return to Sebastians room. I walk in with the bowl of cold water and grab a chair out and sit next to Sebastian, i could tell he was asleep, so i felt his temperature, her was boiling so i grabbed the cloth and dabbed his head lightley, his eyes suddenely opened and grabbed my wrist and causeing me to shake a little leaving half of the water on me, i growl and turn back to Sebastian who had a sorry look, i dab his chest and arms, then gave him his glass of water that he thankfully took. I put the bowl of water on his desk table and start to walk out when Sebastian grabbed my skirt, and i looked back at him with a 'what?' kind of face he then said "don't you remember? you said you were gonna stay with me " he said holding on tightly to my skirt not giving me a choice. "but my dress" i point out, he smirks at me which makes me a bit scared, "i guess you can burrow my shirt then" this cause me to be a bit shocked i nod slowly and say "fine but close ya eyes" he nods and turns his head around, i made sure he couldn't see me and slipped off my dress and placed on the shirt, "are you done yet, my kitten?" "y-yes" i say and sit into the chair next to him he looked at me as if i'm crazy and thats when he grabbed me so fast around my waist and pulled me down next to him into his bed, i was shocked but found myself feeling his heat and ended up purring into his chest! damn these cat like features of mine. That's when i found myself slowly falling asleep.

sebastians pov

she started purring into my chest, that's when she started falling asleep, when she was taking deep breathes i relised she was asleep, and i smirked to myself, pulling her tighter to my body not wanting to let her go, she was everything i ever wanted, everything i ever needed! i can't lose her.......... i slowly thought as i drifted into a deep sleep.

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