(Chapter 3)

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Your pov

As you were explaining to your mistress what happened she just nods, then say " ok sooo who is this Mr.Nitro?" she said with a dirty look (you know the ones that your friends would give ya) "my mistress it would seem you have been standing in the wind to long" i say with a sly smile "what!why?" "because it looks like that dirty look is stuck on your face!" that's when you both start in a laughing fit.

~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We had arrived to the place where Lady Jasmin had asked for us. That's when i see her and Nitro at the little cafe so i told my mistress and we started walking over to them. We arrived and said our greetings, and Lady Jasmin and Zeta hit it off, talking about music and boys. I also have to admit that it was nice to see Nitro again. He told me a really funny joke and i started to laugh, and that's when both the mistresses smiled and said "oooooohhhh what a couple!" in unision me and Nitro started to blush then said at the same time "n-no it's n-not like that!" we look at eachother then just look to the ground.


What i saw was repulsive! That slime-ball, little cat-like, BAKA(means idiot) is taking MY KITTEN! No this will not happen. I will not lose her, she is all i have ever wanted! and if she goes...... then i don't know what i would do...... "Sebastian what is going on!" Ciel demands "It seems that Lady Zeta has gone out for the day with Alois Trancy's fience Lady Jasmin." "WHAT! " Ciel practically screams but i didn't care because i was to focused on (y/n) and that other guy, Ciel must of picked up and looked where i was then he smirked then said "oh, is the raven jealous of the puppy?" i turn towards him and smile "in matter of facts yes i am, and if he wants (y/n) then he will have to fight me for her"

Reader's pov

"in matter of fact yes i am, and if wants (y/n) then he will have to fight me for her" i heard him say i can't help but smile, Sebastian is willing to fight for me and i was ready to find out how much, but not yet. So i whisper to my mistress "excuse me milady but, it seems that Mr.phantomhive has followed us" i say pointing to the spot she nods and waves at the spot. Then she askes Lady Jasmin "would you like to go shopping?" she nods and we walk of but a man grabbed my wrist and says to me "hey there, how about i give ya a lesson on how NOT to go with bratz like her" everyone had turned to me by now seeing what has kept me and that's when Nitro came so fast and punched him square in the draw. "excuse me but do not EVER touch my lady again!" he says and links my hand with his and we walked off, as we rounded the corner we let go and starting laughing, i ended up laughing so hard that i never noticed i had a few tears, untill i settled and Nitro wiped my face. I smiled and we both got up and wlked to our mistresses.

~~~~~~~~''time skipped to the end of shopping~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

you had gotten 4 new outfits 1 was a sweater and black tights 2 was a crop-top with denim shorts 3 was a white and blue lace dress 4 was a white ball gown with a ribbon at the back.

My mistress got some to but i can't remember out of the 29 which one was her faviroute one, all well any way. We were about to leave when Lady Jasmin said "we are having a ball, and i know phantomhive and Alois have a history but i would like to change that even if he doesn't come it would mean alot if you would" "of course i will come, and i will ask if Ciel would like to accopany me" Zeta said with a bright smile "thank-you" she jumped and hugged Zeta and that's when i look at Nitro and he shrugs then comes close and hugs me. I was a bit shocked but i returned his hug, that was when we departed and waved at eachother. We returned to the manor and it was a bit dark but i still went onto the kitchen and called the servents. They came as soon as i was finished calling them, that's when i grabbed the cake i had secretly bought and said to Mey-Rin, "could you please make some tea while we set up out the back in the garden?" "yes ma'em!" after sh went to make the tea Finny, Bard, Tanaka and myself went to lay the picnic out and when we were finished Mey-Rin came out and said " shouldn't we give some to the masters?" a little bit of worry in her voice "nope, i got them some vanilla riffle cake, and my mistress is eating it with the Master right now" i say they just nod and after 15 minutes their was only one peice of cake that i had hidden for Sebastian, so i got them to pack up while i looked for Sebastian. I found him in his room cleaning up so i walked in and automatically he turned around and smiled as soon as he saw it was me "why is that for me" "yep" i say and place it on the desk and turn around to leave but i wasn't quick enough, Sebastian snaked his arms around my waist and turned me around so i wasn't facing the door but his bed. He locked the door and picked me up and placed me on his bed with his head ontop of my chest. He looked up at me with his pink eyes then my lips then my eyes, i smirked and grab him and now i was ontop of him. I kiss him passionately then walk over to the door and unlock it, walking out leaving a confused Sebastian behind.

 I kiss him passionately then walk over to the door and unlock it, walking out leaving a confused Sebastian behind

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