Chapter 12

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Reader- pov

I walk into the phantomhive manor smiling to myself. I go to my mistresses room to find her not there. I walk to the phantomhive's study to find the lord and mistress KISSING. I then walk away to go find Sebastian. I transform into my cat and start walking around bored.

Sebastian's pov

It's been a week now and still (name) has not come back. Mistress Zeta won't tell me where she went and I can't help but worry. I haven't been very occupied around the house and the lord has even noticed it himself. *drip* huh? I look down to see water, wait am I crying? I place my hand under my eyes to see a stream of water. See what she's done to me. I've changed but.. it's for the better. I heard the door open so I quickly wipe my tears and stand up to find ..... her.


I walk to Sebastian's room and open the door to find him crying. I run up to him and give him a hug. He hugs back automatically crying into my shoulder. I hug him tightly knowing I pushed the boundaries then I say" I'm so so sorry please forgive me I never meant to make you cry" I said a few tears dripping out of my eyes. " no it's my fault I shouldn't have been rude to my kitten" he said but you could tell he was upset but then you remembered the gift you got him. You pull back then say " I got you a gift tho " with a sad small smile you pass it to him. " I'll be going to the servants now see ya later ... if you like" I then walked out of his room to go to see the servants.

I walk to finnys room to to see him crying holding a painting I painted him. I smile and walk in slamming the door behind me getting all of the servants attention. Finny looks up startled then happy. " (name) I thought you had left us!!" I smile and hug him then the door slams open and in come all the servants. "(Name)!!!!!!" They all shout and tackle me into a hug. I giggle at their response then say " okay I'm back.. why is this manor filthy everyone go tend to your jobs IMMIDIATLY!" And with that they jumped up and giggled leaving me their sighing. I stand up helping out the servants. I first help Finny tend to the rose bushes and all the flowers, which in my opinion took forever!! I then helped out Mey-Rin set up the tables and wash the lord and mistresses clothing, I then helped bard prepare lunch and even gave him done tips on what to do. I then ask Mey-Rin to get the lord and Lady so I can have some peace and quiet and with that I head outside.

Sebastian's pov

I open up the frail box to see a little cat coloured black like my kitten. I then see a neat letter placed under it. I grab it and start to read.

Dear Sebastian,
I don't know if your upset with me for leaving you and not telling but I wanted you to pay for what you did. Let's just say it's your punishment and now we're even, I can't tell you how sorry I am if I have made you cry and I know it may not seem like it but I do love you, a lot! Your the first one who's ever understand me and I feel complete with you. I understand if your mad I'll give you time and if your truly upset I'll understand your wishes and I will seek no further in our relationship. But remember this. I will always love you.

~~your kitten (name).

I can't believe I was such a fool. She got me again and now I must find her and talk with her I just hope she will agree with me.

As I walk down the corridors looking for (name) I heard laughter, I look down the staircase to see the lord and lady eating a fine meal no doubt  made by (name) I look around more before Finny said " she's outside.. don't break her" I nod and head outside .  I find her below a cherry blossom tree her eyes closed until her ears perked up and she looked towards me with a small smile and she waves her hand next to me as if to say to sit. I sit next to her and stare at her so I know I'm certain. What am I talking about of course i know I should do this. It's for the better, or the worse. I look in her eyes then say " we need to talk, I would like to discuss something with you" she nods her head and looks down " (name) I understand what you did and I'm not mad at you" I say gently she slowly looks up and looks into my eyes. " but I also need to know something" she nods for me to continue " (name) I've been thinking for a while and I think it's best if you stay with me.. I mean as my wife" and with that I got onto my knee and said " (name) will you make me the happiest demon and marry me?"

Your pov

I can't believe this!!! Sebastian pulls out a black ring with a white crystal in the middle like a soul. I start to cry tears of joy. "Y-yes Sebastian I will, I will,I will, I will!!!" I jump onto him and start hugging him. He smiles down at me then places the ring on my finger. We stare into each others eyes then slowly lean into each other and kiss. As we pull away we both smile and he stands up helping me. "Well let's tell the others the news she'll we kitten?" "Why yes we shall" and with that we went to see the lord and lady about our future arrangements.

Sorry I know it's not long but 1001 words is ok at least anyway I have been so busy and I'll try right the wedding and all but I'm so worried I won't finish this book anyway bye for now my nekos 😘

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