Chapter 3: Miss Movin' On

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Lucy's POV

I texted and called Lauren several times after she hung up on me, but she didn't respond. I knew she was hurt and angry with me for not meeting her, but I had to be tough if both of us were going to make it through this. I stopped contacting Lauren after a couple of days to give her some space, but as I sat on my plane to California I just really needed to wish her luck.

To Megan Fox <3: Lauren, I know you're mad at me, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm on the plane to LA. I know you already left for Boston and I just wanted to wish you all the best in college. You're one of the most passionate human beings I know and you'll be extremely successful in whatever you put your heart and soul into. I know deep down you're also wishing me luck. I love you, Lauren. Please let me know when you're ready to talk. I'll be waiting.

I wiped my eyes quickly and put my phone on airplane mode. I kept myself busy throughout the flight by looking over a travel guide book for LA. In spite of everything, I was excited. This was my chance at a new beginning.

I settled into my dorm room and became good friends with my roommate, Brittany. I met people from all over the world and most of them were super attractive. I got swept up in the party scene right away, using booze, pot, and hook-ups to get over my recent heart break. But UCLA was my dream school and I was there to study. The first quarter I worked my ass off and scraped by with straight A's.

Second quarter began after winter break, which meant that I got to go home for the holidays. By this time, I was hoping that Lauren would have replied to me, but she hadn't. I hoped to meet up with her when our high school and camp friends met up, but Alexa told me that Lauren and her family went to Cuba for the holidays. I missed Lauren a lot and started feeling homesick soon after I went back to LA. I talked to Alexa on the phone from time to time, but it wasn't the same as talking to Lauren.


Lauren's POV

The week after Lucy broke up with me was one of the worst times of my life. I'd lost interest in everything. I spent hours in my room, lethargically staring up at the ceiling or the walls or the closed blinds that let in a tiny amount of sun. My mind was so full of thoughts that it was numb. My parents had to practically force me to eat. They were so worried about me that they made me sleep between them every day and I was grateful because I could only fall asleep peacefully in my mom's safe arms.

On my last day in Miami, I finally got my ass up to pack. I was listening to music and sorting through my clothes when I heard a quiet knock on my door.

"It's open!" I shouted and my younger brother and sister walked in. In the past few days of my depression, I had completely forgotten about my siblings.

"We were just wondering how you were doing," Taylor said hesitantly. A wave of guilt washed over me as I realized that I hadn't spent any time with them.

I gave them a small smile and said, "I'll be okay. And listen, I'm really sorry for not hanging out with you guys this break. I promise I'll make it up to you during Christmas."

"You'll be stuck with us for Christmas anyway cuz mom and dad just told us that we're going to Cuba," Chris said, "And don't worry about it, Lo. You're still my favorite sister."

"Asshole," Taylor said smacking him in the stomach. "Please take me with you, or better yet, make him go away instead." I chuckled at their bickering, feeling lighthearted for the first time in days.

"Quit hitting me and give her what we got!" Chris said.

"Remember when we were little and whenever we had a bad day you'd always calm us down by putting on The Lion King?" Taylor said, pulling out a stuffed Nala toy from behind her back. "Well, we thought you could use this in college."

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