Chapter 20: If I Were A Boy

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Normani's POV

I gazed at the completed tattoo on my hip in shock. Dinah is my partner? No, no, no! I'd always imagined my future with a handsome chocolate man and Dinah was the opposite of everything that I'd ever hoped and prayed for. There had to be a mistake. Maybe this is one of Dinah's pranks. I looked up at Dinah, whose eyes were transfixed on her tattoo.

Suddenly, I felt like a thousand hands were wrapping themselves around my body, suffocating me. I needed to get out. I turned on my heels and walked out of the hotel room.

Dinah's POV

A door slammed and I snapped out of my shock. I looked around and saw that Normani wasn't next to me anymore. Camila approached me, took my arm, and guided me into one of the bedrooms.

"Where'd Mani go?" I asked.

"No idea. She just walked out of the room. Lauren went after her," Camila replied.

My heart clenched. I wasn't unhappy with the idea of being Normani's partner, especially since I liked her. What hurt was the idea of her being unhappy with our Completion.

"My tat was in a shape of a tornado, so I just never thought of it as anything else. Even my entire family thinks that it's a tornado. You've seen it a million times, Mila, did you ever think it could be anything else?" I asked.

Camila shook her head and said, "No, Dinah, I'm sorry. I always thought it was a tornado too."

The room door opened and Lauren and Ally walked in and I asked, "Where's Mani?"

"I don't know. I went to look for her but couldn't find her anywhere. I called and texted her a bunch of times, but she hasn't responded. I think she just wants to be alone," Lauren replied. I sighed and buried my face in my hands as Lauren asked, "How long have you liked her for?"

I froze. Shit.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Camila asked Lauren.

Lauren shrugged and said, "She seemed nervous when Brendon asked them if they had feelings for each other."

"That doesn't mean Dinah likes Mani!" Camila said angrily, "I think I should talk to Dinah alone."

"It's okay," I said, trying to calm Camila down. The last thing I wanted was a fight.

"No it's not. You just went through some shit and she's-" Camila started to say.

"Lauren's right," I interrupted and all three of them stared at me. "We just spent a lot of time together this summer and I guess I just caught feelings. But Mani doesn't like me like that so-"

"Hold on!" Camila interrupted, "You told her that you liked her?"

"Yeah, but Mani doesn't feel the same about me. We decided not to contact each other during the two weeks that we were apart, hoping that my feelings would go away. When we came back I told her they did, but I-I think I still like her. But she made it very clear that she doesn't like me and I promised her that I wasn't going to let anything come between our friendship. Shit!" I said starting to panic, "You guys won't tell her that I still like her right? Fuck fuck fuck, I shouldn't be saying all this-"

A small body collided with me, hugged me around the middle, and said, "Shh, it's okay, Biggie. We'll figure this out, together." I sank against Ally and tried to calm myself down by soaking up her warmth.

"I'm sorry, Lolo," I heard a soft whisper say, followed by a kiss sound. Then, I felt two other pairs of arms embrace me.

After awhile, I said, "I'm sorry, y'all. Let's go out there and celebrate your Completion."

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