Chapter 33: Gotcha!

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December 2024 (2 Months Later)

Dinah's POV

I was running super late for my flight and made it just as they were about to close the gate door. I really need a louder alarm, I thought as I panted down the attachment to the plane. I followed the flight attendant to my seat, which was in first class because Vercy's law firm had hooked it up real good.

I saw a familiar face sitting in the window seat next to my aisle seat and froze. Why is Normani on the same flight as me? Normani looked up from her phone and did a double take when she saw me. My heart raced as both of us stared at each other.

After our airport make out session, I finally admitted to myself that I still had unresolved feelings for Normani. I went back and told Victoria everything. She was understandably upset, but was willing to work things out. We tried for about a month, but I kept thinking about Normani and felt like I was constantly cheating Victoria. I just couldn't do it anymore. I needed to be alone to sort out my feelings.

I knew what Normani would say about our kiss and didn't want to hear it. It was probably just another impulsive moment for her, like it usually was in the past when we'd kiss accidentally. I was always just a bad habit to her. Nothing more. So why would anything be different now? Normani was happy and it wasn't because of me. She was living her dream life with her dream man in her dream house. I definitely couldn't give her any of the luxuries that she was so accustomed to, so why would she want to be with me? All these thoughts about being incompetent for Normani kept me from contacting her.

"Ma'am, may I help you with your luggage?" the flight attendant asked.

"Yes please," I replied, snapping out of my thoughts. After I supervised the attendant securing my carry-on in an overhead compartment, I made my way to my seat nervously. Normani was looking out the window, deep in thought. I knew I had to face her and Kendrick alone during New Year's Eve, so I'd been preparing myself with pep talks since October. But I hadn't anticipated spending so much one-on-one time with her. You got this, Dinah Jane. Just six hours and you'll be with the other girls. Be strong. Be yourself. Be cool.

"Hey," I said, settling down in my seat.

"Hi," Normani said with a small smile.

"What're you doing in LA?" I asked. We hadn't hugged like friends usually do after running into each other, and I felt an odd sort of tension building between us.

"I live here now. I teach dance and do some videos and performances and stuff."

"Oh cool," I said, wondering why she hadn't hit me up. But then, maybe Normani was just avoiding me because she was scared of being impulsive again.

We sat in awkward silence during the entire take off procedure. As soon as the flight attendant came around asking for our drink orders, both of us quickly ordered alcohol and took big gulps of our drinks to loosen up.

"Where's Victoria?" Normani asked after chugging half her drink.

"I was just about to ask if Ken was meeting us in Boston," I said with a small laugh.

"Great minds think alike," Normani said with a small smile.

Both of us took sips of our drinks to avoid each other's eyes and simultaneously said, "We broke up."

"What!?" both of us said together, looking up at each other in shock.

"Wait, hold up. You go first. What happened?" Normani said.

"I kissed you, Mani. I cheated on her. That's what happened," I said honestly. "What happened with Ken?"

Normani was quiet for a long time, rubbing her fingers on her drink glass nervously. So I said, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," and chugged the rest of my drink.

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