Chapter 4: A Hint of Sun

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Lucy's POV

Vero quickly became a part of my everyday life. All my friends became her friends and all her friends became mine. The first time Vero and I went partying together, she hooked up with a girl. I saw her kiss and dance with someone for the first time and for some reason it made me feel uneasy. Jealousy? No! Lucy Vives doesn't get jealous. Back in high school whenever people would flirt with Lauren, it wouldn't bother me; I'd even tease her about it. Lauren was always the jealous and possessive one in our relationship. I knew that Vero was a natural flirt, so I'd probably see a lot more of her hook-ups when we partied together. So I squashed the uneasy feeling in my stomach and went to hang out with the stoners.

In subsequent parties, whenever I'd see Vero's hook-ups, my stomach would lurch uncomfortably. I subconsciously wondered if I liked Vero. But no. I couldn't like her. She used to be one of Lauren's best friends. Besides, her tattoo was a bunch of undecipherable lines, so, there was no way we were partners. I ignored my discomfort. And soon, I just learned to live with it.

June 6, 2015

Vero's birthday fell right at the beginning of finals week, so we couldn't celebrate much. My friends and I surprised her with cake at midnight, but I didn't think that was special enough. I spent the day with Vero, and during our study break, I took her out for dinner at her favorite restaurant.

"Thanks for dinner, babe," Vero said as we walked back to her room.

"Anything for a pretty girl like you," I smirked.

"Hey! That's my line!" Vero said in mock outrage.

"Actually, that was one of the first things you said to me in the 4th grade," I said as Vero opened the door to her room.

"Wow you remember what I said to you in 4th grade?"

"You were my first friend in Miami, Vero. I remember every little thing about you."

Vero's eyes widened in surprise. We just stared at each other for a while. When butterflies started swirling in my stomach, I broke our eye-contact, looked around the room, and asked, "Where's your roommate?"

"She's out. She has some huge project due tomorrow, so she's spending the night with her group."

"Shit, so you're gonna be all alone for the rest of the night?"

"Yeah, I guess. But I don't mind, I have to study anyway."

"Bullshit, Iglesias. You're not spending your birthday alone. I'm sleeping over. Hold on, I'll text your roommate and ask if that's okay."

After Vero's roommate gave me permission to stay, we got to work. After a few hours of studying, I was done for the day and started getting ready for bed. When I came back from the bathroom, I saw that Vero was also done for the day. She was laying down on her bed and scrolling through her phone. I plopped down beside her and snuggled up close to her.

"I wish your birthday wasn't during finals week, then we could've celebrated properly," I said.

"What're you talking about, Luce? I got to spend it with one of my closest friends. What more can I ask for?"

"Still, you're really special, Vero, and you deserve all the happiness in the world. So, if there's something you still wanna do, even if it's something like going to get your favorite ice cream or cookies. We can still do it."

Vero stayed quiet for a bit and then started saying, "Well..." but then, she shook her head quickly and said, "Nah, I can't think of anything. Thanks to you, my birthday was perfect!"

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