Chapter 27: Glances & Glares

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Normani's POV

All of us, except Dinah who was still sleeping, were standing in line at our hotel restaurant to be seated for breakfast the next morning. Ally's mood had improved significantly since yesterday and she was genuinely talking and joking around with everyone. Our little sunshine was starting to come out from behind her dark clouds. I had a smile on my face the entire time I was watching Ally and thought of how Dinah and I had worked together yesterday to comfort our little big sister. We were almost at the front of the line when Dinah finally came down.

"Mmm, good morning, beautiful," Dinah hummed, hugging Victoria from behind and kissing her cheek.

My stomach sank. The last time Dinah had hugged me like that was on accident 6 years ago when she told me that I wasn't her princess anymore. All through our friends-with-benefits summer and dating phase, Dinah had always greeted me in the morning with her special hugs. And now, she was using our tradition with someone else. I wasn't jealous. I had Kendrick. But someone like Victoria wasn't worthy of Dinah's special hugs, that's why I was so bothered. Yup. That was the only reason why I was so bothered.


February 2018 (6 Years Ago)

No One's POV

The morning after Valentine's Day, Normani woke up in a hotel room next to Kendrick and grinned sleepily at the memories from the past couple of days. First, Kendrick had flown up all the way from Texas to surprise her at midnight. He had charmed all of her roommates, including Dinah, with flowers and chocolates. Then, he'd made Normani's entire Valentine's Day magical by joining her for classes and taking her out to one of the most famous fine dining restaurants in Boston. They were both so happy and so in love that they'd taken the next step in their relationship and slept together for the first time. And boy was he a good lover too. Normani blushed at that thought and got out of bed to get the day started. Normani brushed, showered, changed, and was making coffee in the hotel room kitchen, when she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her from behind.

Normani grinned and said, "Good morning, DJ!"

Normani sank against what she thought was Dinah's body, but it felt strangely unfamiliar. She looked up in her confusion and found Kendrick staring down at her.

He laughed and said, "I'm not DJ, but she did tell me this is how you like to be greeted in the morning."

Internally cursing herself for the slip, Normani asked, "When'd she tell you that?"

"Last night when you went to the bathroom. She said that you liked your morning hugs from behind, but I think I can reform this tradition," Kendrick said and bent down to kiss Normani gently. He smiled against her lips and said, "Bet none of them have ever done that before."

"You're right. Your way is better," Normani lied with a smile.

Ever since then, Kendrick always greeted her in the morning with big bear hugs from behind. And soon, just so she could live her fairytale with her prince, Normani learned to ignore the way she missed Dinah's arms, the way their bodies fit together when she sank into Dinah, the way Dinah kissed her cheek or temple with a sleepy 'Good Morning, Princess', and how she would turn around and give Dinah a long kiss afterwards.

--End Flashback--

I snapped out of my thoughts when someone elbowed me. Camila was staring at me. Everyone else had already gone inside to the breakfast area. I gave Camila a small smile and hurried inside too. For the rest of the day, Camila kept her eyes on me, and I felt really uncomfortable whenever I'd catch her staring at me.

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