Chapter 6: Them Girls Be Like

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Ally's POV

"Oh my gosh! We're all finally here!" I said, skipping excitedly into Camila and Dinah's room. "I'm so excited to be living with y'all!"

Normani and Dinah were staring at Lauren and Camila, who were glaring at each other angrily. When no one responded, I asked, "What's wrong?"

"You didn't tell me that Camila steal-your-girl Cabello was the friend that I was supposed to live with!" Lauren said outraged.

"I can't live in the same house as Lauren annoying-as-fuck Jauregui!" Camila retorted just as angrily.

Normani and Dinah exchanged glances and snorted with laughter. Lauren and Camila were both from Miami, but I had no idea they knew each other. They might have crossed paths at my Completion. Had something happened there? Or did they know each other from somewhere else?

"Do you guys know each other from Miami?" I asked curiously. Lauren and Camila crossed their arms and looked in opposite directions like two kids who didn't want to play with each other. "If you tell us what's going on, maybe we can sort this out? Like adults? And not like toddlers?" I questioned again, starting to get frustrated with the lack of response.

Normani and Dinah let out snickers, but I quickly shut them up with a glare. Seriously. Undergrads were such babies. There were two types of babies in the world: those who laughed at everything and those who sulked at everything. And it seemed like I was stuck with the worst of both kinds. What have you gotten yourself into, Ally Brooke? It was only my first day with the undergrads and I already felt like an irritated mom. It was time to show them some tough adult love.

"Since I'm pretty sure both of you are thinking about moving out, I want to remind you that we've signed the lease for the entire year. So, y'all are stuck here for a year, unless one of you wants to find a replacement, which I highly doubt because this place is a good catch. Camila? Lauren? I've known you both very well for a long time, and if it helps, I can personally vouch for both of you to each other. So, let's not open up hostilities on our first day and try to get along?" I said and then raised my eyebrows at Normani and Dinah, silently urging them to help.

"Yeah, I sure don't want to leave this sweet place, Mila," Dinah said, touching Camila's shoulder gently.

"Lo, we were desperate for a place. I don't think we can move out and find another place as good as this one with classes and shit going on," Normani offered.

"How about we give each other some space and finish moving in? Some of our stuff's still outside," I suggested hopefully.

Camila rolled her eyes and said, "Fine," before walking out of the room and thundering down the stairs.

"I'll be right back," Dinah said and rushed out after Camila.

We heard the main door slam and I sighed to myself. Please help me, Jesus. It's going to be a long year.

Camila's POV

The door slammed shut as I walked outside. No! No! No! No! This can't be happening! I don't want to deal with Lauren Jauregui again. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I sat on the sidewalk outside our apartment with my head in between my hands.

The last time I'd seen Lauren was when we fought in music camp. I still remembered how Lauren's incessant glares kept breaking my concentration when I tried to keep up with the other kids during rehearsal. And then Lauren accused me of trying to flirt with her girlfriend and I was so embarrassed that I just left the camp. Sure, I had a little crush on Lucy, but that went away quickly after we became friends. Besides, I didn't even know how to flirt back then. And I was pretty sure I still didn't know how to flirt.

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