Chapter 8: Tornado's Tale

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Normani's POV

Dinah quickly became a part of mine and Lauren's party-hard crew. The first time that we all went out, Ally and Camila joined us, but for subsequent parties Ally claimed that she was too old for undergrad house parties and Camila just didn't like partying. Lauren, Dinah, and I would always start the night off by dancing together, but then some guy or girl would drag Lauren away and only Dinah and I would be left together. Dinah and I had so much fun with each other that I hooked up less and less. And many nights, I just ended up going home and cuddling with her. (Yes, JUST cuddling. Still only into men). But there were occasions when both of us were really horny, so we hooked up with others to release pent up sexual energy.

November 24, 2016

Camila went home to Miami for Thanksgiving break, but the rest of us stayed in Boston. Lauren, Dinah, and I did our best to make a turkey dinner, while Ally made a delicious sweet potato pie and baked several batches of pumpkin and chocolate chip cookies. After a heavy dinner and dessert, we were all in a food coma and decided to hangout in mine and Lauren's room. Ally and I cuddled on my bed, while Lauren and Dinah cuddled on Lauren's bed.

We were all having a lazy-yet-deep life chat, when Dinah asked, "Can I ask you a personal question, Manz? You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

"Sure," I said.

"How come your long-term relationship ended?" Dinah asked.

I stiffened slightly at the question, but said, "He cheated on me with his partner and only told me after he became complete. We broke up the summer before college. I was hurt at first. Really hurt. But I've thought about it over these past few years, and I realized that even though we were childhood sweethearts, our relationship just wasn't the best."

"How come?" Ally asked, caressing my shoulder soothingly.

"Arin was always possessive and kept me isolated from my friends. I remember my friends trying to tell me that they thought he was a jerk, but I wouldn't listen. I was just a girl in love, you know? Now I look back and I'm pretty sure I was in an abusive relationship. I was just too young and to 'in love' to know back then. And I'm not sure if he knew that he was being abusive either. I mean, I'm not trying to defend him or anything because I still think he's an asshole, but if the victim doesn't realize she's being abused, does the abuser realize that he's abusive?"

"I think it depends. Maybe when they're younger and if it's their first relationship, both the victim and the abuser may not be aware. But when they're older, I think the abuser has ill-intent and does it purposely as a power game," Ally said. "And I'm sorry you had to go through that Mani. You deserve a lot better."

"I'm not sorry I went through it. I think I'm stronger and more intuitive because of it," I said.

"You're brave, honest, and beautiful, Mani, and your partner is going to be one lucky son-of-a-bitch," Lauren said.

"And he'd better treat my Princess right. Or I'll give him a poly beat down," Dinah said.

I smiled and said, "Same goes for all of you. If your partners treat you bad, they'll be ass-whooped into their graves."

After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Lauren asked, "Dinah, can I ask you something personal?"

"34C. Same as Mani," Dinah said.

"What!? How'd you know!?" I asked in shock.

"I went through your bra drawer," Dinah said.

"What the fuck, Dinah Jane? Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked and then gasped, "Oh my God! That's why I found my solid colored bras mixed with my cute patterned ones the other day!"

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