Chapter 3

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^Pic of the pizzeria :)

We made eye contact, both widening at the same time in horror.
My gaze hardened in anger the moment I thought of his stunt he pulled this morning.

"What are YOU doing here, playboy?"

Upon hearing the little nickname I gave him, his face formed a scowl as he replied with equally as much spite.

"I work here. What are YOU doing here, sugar lips?"

He knew that the kiss ticked me off and he was purposely reminding me of it by using it as a form of sarcastic endearment. This jerk.

"This is my grandma's shop and pretty sure my grandma wouldn't hire an asshole like you!"
I shot back, feeling annoyed that I would have to deal with him.

" I wouldn't what?"

My grandma said, walking over to us.
"Grandma! Thank goodness! Why would you hire this... this..." I couldn't find the words to describe how insufferable he was to my naive grandma.
"Hottie?" Sean said, a cocky tone in his voice.
"Yeah! Wait what?"

My grandma chuckled at our exchange.
" I just knew you guys would get along well"
I had to bite my tongue from correcting her and ranting about what this Asshole did to me. But I just know that she would be thrilled to know that I lost my first kiss. "Finally." She would say. I shivered at the thought of her patting Sean on the back.

"Well then, Liz, I hope you'll teach Sean here well. And since he's pretty unfamiliar with the location of our pizzeria, why don't you do him a favour and bring him here everyday after school? And Sean, don't be afraid to ask Liz for help!"

"Oh Mrs Summers, there's really no need for..."
Sean wanted to disagree with her suggestion, probably wanting to avoid me as much as possible. I too was secretly hoping he would be able to argue his way out.

"Oh nonsense! Liz would be more than happy to bring you here. Aren't you Liz?"
I groaned internally. There was no arguing once Grandma made her decision.
"Mmhmm sure " I forced myself to nod as I cringed internally.
Sean shot me glare, probably annoyed that I didn't refuse.
Oh please. As if I wanted to spend time with him either.
"Great! Ok now play nice! I gotta make Liz her pizza"
My grandma said as she headed back to the kitchen,leaving me and Sean glaring at each other.
He cocked his eyebrow up, as if to ask me why I didn't refuse.

" I didn't exactly have a choice did I?"

I decided to just give him a quick tour of the restaurant and get it done and over with so that I can finally eat my pizza.

"I have to show you around. Grandma's orders."
I could hear him grumble.
I rolled my eyes.
What a manchild.

"Trust me. I want this to end too so lets do all of us a favour and stop whining." I said as I walked away without him.
I could imagine him rolling his eyes and rushing to catch up with me.

"Thats the cash register with numbers that players like you can't process due to lack of brains.
Oh and thats the kitchen where players gets chopped into pieces and thrown into the fire. Any questions?"

I told him, tone dripping with sarcasm. Eyelashes batting to feign innocence.

"Yes actually. Is that the bathroom where prudes wash their lips after simply being kissed?"

I shot him my evilest glare, annoyed that he just had to bring up the kiss.

"No." I walked towards him hastily, my stance threatening.
"Its where players wash their stupid.blood.riddled with hormones and aids." I grit my teeth in anger, poking at his chest with every word, getting more and more pissed off by the minute.

My pizza better be near perfection.

"Aaannndd... that's all there is to the pizzeria."
I clasped my hands together and looked at him.
The mini tour of the pizzeria was finally over and I can finally devour my Pizza.

"But you only showed me half of..."

"All there is." I reiterated, cutting him off before he could continue. Half the kitchen is all he needs to see.

"Oh and... I need your number." I blurted out. I just remembered that I needed to contact him in order for me to lead him to the pizzeria.
I saw his infamous cocky grin start to spread like butter on his face.

It was only then did I realise how it sounded.
I groaned as I facepalmed myself.

" Aww. Sugar lips, You like me don't you? Did you kneed me to catch my attention?"
I groaned, annoyed that I basically handed him the chance.

"Just give it to me Sean."
He chuckled as I handed him my phone.
I watched him as he typed him in his contact details. As he handed the phone back to me, I glanced at his contact, only to see it saved as

"Wow. Yes. You are bae."

"I know"

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