Chapter 12

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My heart pounded in my chest as I glanced around nervously at my surroundings. Shit. This place is giving me the creeps.
I hated how the trees looked like long outstretched hands, waiting to catch me off guard and drag me away.
As a cold gust of wind blew past, I shuddered as I hugged the sweater closer to me. I felt the goosebumps rise on my skin.
I scrolled through the contacts in my phone, deciding who to call.

Grandma? She'll just freak out...
Quinn? Its her birthday! She doesn't need stress on her birthday...
Who else?
They don't know the neighbourhood well enough. We would all get lost together.
I chuckled humourlessly at that thought.

What about...Sean?
He wouldn't even be bothered.

I curled up and placed both my feet on the bench I was sitting on and hugged my knees.
"What to do? What to do?" I muttered to myself repeatedly like a mental patient,rocking back and forth.

Stupid stupid stupid.
Why did I even run aimlessly??
To top it off, my phone is dying which means I have to do something ASAP.


I stared at Sean's contact in my phone.
Should I? Should I not?

I heard an owl hoot in a nearby tree, scaring the shit out of me as I jumped up in fright.

I gulped as I realised Sean was basically my only choice without causing anyone to worry or stress since he basically didn't give two hoots.

Fuck it.
My fingers pressed on the screen, calling Sean Henderson.

"Brrrr.... brrrrr...."
I waited impatiently for him to quickly pick up his phone.

Halfway through, the call was declined.
I scoffed at as I called him again, determined for him to pick up his damn phone and save me from this nightmarish place.

"Hello?" His gruff voice said, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Thank god!" I said as I let out a sigh of relief.

"Who is this? Britney? Is this you? I already told you! It was a one time thing! I thought I made that quite clear!"
He started rambling before I could correct him.

"Nono! Sean! It's Liz. Liz Summers?"
I cut in, desperate not for him to hang up.

"Liz? What are you doing? Its bloody 1am in the morning!"
I could sense his frustration even though the phone.

"I know! But I really need your help..."
Fat droplets of tears started rolling down my cheeks as I spoke.

"At 1 a.m?!" He yelled, a slight anger in his tone,causing me to become even more panicky and anxious.
Did he really have to yell?

"I know! I know! But but but its so dark right
now and I'm lost and I'm at this freaky park and theres this owl that keeps hooting and I'm alone and its really scary and I just need directions back to the Pizzeria. Please?"

By now I was full on sobbing and choking on my own tears. I guess the fact that I was lost and very much vulnerable to anyone finally sunk in. Not the mention the fact that Sean sounded so angry over the phone.

"Woah woah okay. Calm down Liz. I'm coming over okay? I know where you are. Just uhh... stop crying. Give me 5 minutes."
His tone immediately became patronising. It sounded like an adult trying to stop a child from crying.

Before I could reply, I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to drop my phone in alarm...

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