Chapter 29

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"Okay... now open!" He said as he gently tugged the blindfold off. I slowly opened my eyes, curiosity killing me ever since he blindfolded me.
It was a 5 minute walk from the pizzeria.
I gasped, my eyes widening as I took in my surroundings.
"Do you.. uhh... umm... like it?"
I spunned around excitedly, facing Sean. He was once again wringing his hands nervously, looking anxiously into my eyes. I think i teared up a little.
"Like? Its the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me." Cliché I know...
I heard him let out a small sigh of relief.
I sighed as I whipped back to admire what Sean had prepared for our first official date together.
We were currently at a very secluded part of the local park and usually at this time of the day, we would have it all to ourselves.
The fairy lights adorned the branches of the trees, making it look like we were surrounded by beautiful shining stars. Nearby was a simple red mat on the grass, probably meant for us to sit on.

"I did'nt really know what to exactly expect on a first date so I just..."
"Its perfect. Thank you" I smiled, interrupting his rambling.
His nervous expression was wiped away instantaneously and a broad smile overcame his features.
"Well then...lets eat?" He gestured towards the mat. I laughed as I plopped myself down on one side and him, on the other.
noticed that he was carrying a basket.
"Whats that?" I asked curiously, slightly leaning over to peek at its contents.
"Be patient!" He said as he fumbled around, trying to open the basket while blocking my view of the contents in the basket. I clicked my tongue in feign annoyance, making him chuckle.
"Close your eyes."
"Yes again you twat. Its a surprise."
I closed my eyes as I thought of all the possibilities. I was soon hit with the familiar aroma of...
And not just any pizza.
The pizza toppings were my favourite, Hawaiian with loads and loads of cheese in the shape of a heart.
It was stored neatly the usual pizza delivery box, laying opened.
Written on the box itself were the words "Give me a pizza your heart?" A silly pun that made me smile.

My eyes flicked up to meet his. "Oh my... Sean..." I swooned. "Try it!" His eyes were eager and excited, yet nervous.
I eagerly took a piece from the enticing pizza that Sean made. The familiar flavours burst into my mouth and it tasted exactly like the usual pizza I ate yet at the same time, very different. Maybe because Sean made it?
"This is good! In fact, the crust is actually perfect." I said, my mouth full with Pizza.
"Thanks to you." He laughed as he took a slice too.
"By the way, the pun is horrible." I joked. It was a lie obviously. Puns are the best.
"Thanks. I put a lot of thought into that." He laughed.
We ate together, just enjoying each other's company. The butterflies I felt weeks ago were gone and replaced with comforting calmness and happiness when we were together. I guess thats when you know its more than just a school girl crush.

As we sat there, cross legged and just talking about the most random things with our mouths stuffed with Pizza, I've never felt happier.

Soon we found ourselves lying on the mat, full and satisfied and just staring into the starry sky.

"Liz?" I heard him speak up, his voice soft.
"Yeah?" I replied, still looking into the sky.
"Will you... will you be my girlfriend?"
My head immediately turned towards him.
My heart nearly soared.
"Maybe? I don't know" I winked teasingly and laughed when he rolled over, straddling me and tickling me.
"Say you'll be my girlfriend Liz!" He said as he tickled me mercilessly, laughing along.
I was so ready to kill him....
" Sean! Fine fine! "I laughed somemore.
"I'll be your girlfriend!" I managed to say inbetween the uncontrollable laughter.
He finally stopped and immediately swooped in to kiss me
We broke the kiss, smiling shyly.
And thats how I stole the player's heart :)

:((((( TPSMFK is ending soooonnn and I feel quite sad. I started at the beginning of 2017 and its amazing how writing and publishing such a simple story can garner so many reads!! And allow me to see so many lovely comments and the support of readers :)) Thank you for giving me the motivation and encouragement needed to complete this book!
Thank you! :))

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