Chapter 4

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^^^^ picture of Quinn :)))

"Sean Henderson, You will literally regret the day you are born!"
I seethed as I slammed him against the lockers, fingers grasping the fabric of his grey hoodie.
Students walked past us in the hallway, shooting us judgemental stares and curious glances but that didn't stop me from unleashing my anger.

" I am going to personally annihilate you." My voice dropping an octave lower as I growled in annoyance.

His lips merely twisted into his annoying smirk, forming a smug expression. I growled in annoyance as I recalled what had happened this morning. Quinn had came running to me frantically, updating me about the latest gossip in school - that rumour has it that I had a major phobia of kissing. It barely made sense at all and judging from the stupidity of this rumour, I was almost 100% sure it was Sean Henderson trying to protect his reputation and ego by spreading lies about me.

"So you heard huh?"
Arrogance lacing his every word.
It only made me madder, his nonchalance making me more furious. I let go of his hoodie as I took a step back, trying to calm down.

"Okay. Its fine. All you have to do is to say the rumour is false and that you're sorr- "

I was interrupted by his hand grabbing the side of my shoulders and flipping us over, pushing me up against the lockers. He cornered me, his hands slamming on the lockers at the sides of my head, making sure I couldn't move away.

" Firstly, It's not my fault you are scared of being kissed. Secondly,You started it. You overreacted. It was just a kiss." He stated, the cocky look on his face now more prominent.

I was seething now, steam probably coming out from my nostrils.
"Don't make me knee you again."

"Oh sweetheart. Trust me. You wouldn't dare."
He squinted his eyes, as if daring me to do so.

" Is that a challenge?" My eyes shining with defiance, sticking my chin out.
"Playboy thinks he's threatening eh?" I taunted.
"Prude thinks she's intimidating eh?" He retorted.

We glared at each other, both refusing to back down. I suddently shot downwards and slipped under his arm swiftly, catching him by surprise. I took this opportunity to crouch down and yank his pants down. I could hear gasps coming from students walking past as they stopped to laugh at the scene infront of them. Sean Henderson stood there dumbfounded, his pants around his knees with his rubber ducky boxes out for everyone to see.

He was quick snap out of it and bent down to pull it back up, shooting me a furiously shocked look as I quickly ran away from his fuming state.
"There was nothing to see anyways!"
I yelled to fuel his annoyance and anger.

It was always fun to see Sean Handerson annoyed.

Sean POV
The nerve of that girl to dare pull my pants down, in the middle of the corridor!
"There was nothing to see anyways!"
She yelled as she sprung away.
I could hear the laughter of nosey students behind me.

I turned around and snapped at them. They quickly to left my sight within a blink of an eye.
I rubbed my face in annoyance, feeling ever so frustrated.

I have never met someone as annoying, irritating and infuriating as Liz Summers. The thought of kissing her sends shivers down my spine... and not in a good way.
But at the very same time, I very much enjoy pushing her buttons. It was always fun to see Liz Summers annoyed. I hated how just a simple bet with my friends went so wrong.

I never wanted Liz Summers to be in my life but out of all places, I had to choose the Pizzeria.

I groaned as the realisation that I might have to meet her daily hit me.

She was going to be the death of me, I'm sure.

School ended pretty early and I was glad I didn't bump into Liz Summers. I might just be slammed onto the lockers without any warning again. I walked to the school gate, waiting for her to appear so that she could lead me to the pizzeria.

I glanced at my watch in annoyance. She was already a minute late.

I heard her laughter coming from behind me as I spun around. She was strolling towards the school gate, her eyes locked on the phone screen as she laughed.

As she walked past me, she didn't even bother to look up and merely muttered," Quickly now. We're gonna be late.", before walking out the school gates, leaving me behind. I refrained from rolling my eyes as I ran to catch up with her.

"Would it hurt to be punctual?" I grumbled, walking alongside her.
"Alot." Her eyes were fixed on untangling her earpieces. She immediately popped them into her ears, obviously wanting to block me out.
I clicked my tongue in irritation. I dug out my earpieces from my pockets before plugging them in as well.

That was how it was for the remaining journey.
It was clear that she was very immersed in her own world, kicking a pebble as she walked.
I ignored her as I tried to memorise the short cut from school to the pizzeria. I had to take the long bus ride my first time.

Before I knew it, we arrived at the pizzeria, luckily, on time. I showed a false display of chivalry as I opened the door of the pizzeria for her to enter. "Ladies first." I said sarcastically, a forced smile on my face.

I watched as she entered the door without even glancing towards me, or thanking me.
Ungrateful brat.
I entered after her, glaring at her back as she made her way to one of the empty tables and took out her biology textbook. I was hoping that I could reduce her to ashes with the intensity of my glare.

"Sean, stop staring at my Granddaughter!" I heard Mrs Summers voice exclaim with a hint of amusement.
I almost had a mini heart attack.

"No No. I would never." I shook my head defensively, waving my hands, appalled at Mrs Summers assumption about my feelings towards her.
"Never. "

  Liz Summers with her sarcastic remarks, annoying traits and not to mention, her plain Jane looks?


" You're not exactly a catch either."
I heard her speak up at her table, her head still buried in her schoolbooks.

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