Chapter 8

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"You little brats. Getting into trouble in school? Do you know how tiring it was to do all the work here myself?"
My grandma scolded us as she dragged us by our ears.

"Ah ah! Grandma! My ear!"
I struggled to keep up with her pace as she dragged me and Sean towards an empty table hurriedly. For an old lady, she sure was strong.

Because of detention, Sean and I didn't manage to come back to the pizzeria to help out and Sean, who sucks at giving excuses, told her that both of us got into detention for fighting.

How dumb can this guy be?

She sat us both at a 'couple' table with seats facing each other.
"I want both of you to sit here until... 7pm"
It was 6 pm now...great.
"And I want both of you to reflect and apologise and interact. When I get back, both of you better be friends and start playing nice."
My Grandma chided with her hands on her hips, before heading upstairs, leaving us both alone together.

"Lets just not talk." I suggested.
"Then what? We stare at each other for the next hour?" He replied sarcastically.

" Well maybe you should've thought about that before putting my picture on the school's noticeboard."
"Well you shouldn't have pulled my pants down then!"
We had a glaring competition once again.
I finally gave up as I sighed and leaned backwards onto my seat.
I rubbed my temples, tired of arguing with him.

"Look. Let's just be mature. Let's be civilised about this. Okay?" Sean Henderson suggested, sounding reasonable for once.
"That's the most mature thing that ever left your lips." I muttered

He cocked his eyebrow, as if to reiterate what he just said.

"Fine. Fine. Let's just start all over." I forced a reluctant smile on my face. "Hi, I'm Liz Summers."
I was trying to be civilised, as suggested. I placed my hand out, waiting for him to shake my hand.
"Sean Henderson." He merely said as he shook my hand. I suppressed my urge to point out his lack of enthusiasm.

"So... truth and dare?" I suggested, not sure of what else we can do.

I saw a small smile grow on his face.
"A personal favourite. Ladies first. Truth or dare?"
Hopefully Sean Henderson won't ask weird questions.
"Playing safe are we?" He teased
"Just ask a damn question."
I refrained from smiling.

"Was the kiss we had your...first kiss?"
He asked curiously, body leaning in, eager to know.

"Uhh... Yes..." I muttered, feeling awkward and shy all of a sudden. Sure, its nothing to be embarrassed of... but most people around my age would have already been in a relationship or two while I'm a single (but independent) pringle.

"Ahh... that must be why you're so pissed off. I was your first. What an honour."
He said, leaning back in his chair, his arms behind his head, in a relaxed position.

"and also cause you kissed me without consent asshole. That's called sexual harassment."
I added, still feeling annoyed about the kiss.

He raised his hands in surrender.
"I'm sorry! I didn't know! I just thought-"

"That the entire female population wants to kiss you? Yeah no."
I scoffed as I crossed my arms and leaned back into my chair as well.

"I may be a 'playboy' ", he said as he made quotation marks in the air with his fingers.
" But I try to be a gentlemen... at times... so... I'm sorry Liz Summers."

I was taken aback by his apology.

"Considering the fact that you're willing to put aside your inflated ego, Apology accepted then."
A smile curved up on my face as I kinda forgave him. In a way.

"And by the way, that knee in the nuts really realllly hurt."
He joked.
It did cause me to chuckle.

"Serve you right. Moving on... My turn...Uhh... how many girls have you been with?"
I smirked, eager to know. Did he even keep count?
" As in a relationship? None. But fuck?"
I watched as his eyes flashed with glee.

"Wait. So you've never liked anyone before? Like, like-like. Like beyond physical attraction?"

He leaned back into his seat, hand rubbing his chin in thought.
"Hmm... nope." He shrugged his shoulder, displaying his nonchalance.

I tried to process the fact that Sean never liked a girl. Surely he would've felt at least a bit of emotional attachment to one?

"Ok next, Truth or dare?" A grin etched on his face.
"Oh come on. I give the best dares!"
"Suck it up."
A smile tugged at my lips.

"Fine. This is a pretty genuine question. So... do you live with your grandma? And and what about your parents?"
He asked, curiosity on his face.

" Thats two questions by the way and Grandma and I lived together ever since I was born. My parents...well, they left me with her and never came back. I don't remember them and even if I did, I wouldn't want to go to them. My grandma is all I need... That's just life I guess."
I gave him a genuine smile, showing him that I was happy with how things are.

"I didn't mean to pry... but if it helps, my parents are constantly overseas on business trips and whatnots. Never really saw them either."

Holy shit... he's opening up pretty easily

My body leaned forward, intrigued about his life story.
"Well, who do you live with then?" It was my turn to be curious.
"I live in a rented apartment a few bus stops away. Recently, I decided to be independent and stop relying on my parents for money, hence I moved out of their house and got a job."

My eyebrows shot up. All this time, I assumed that Sean Henderson was a pampered rich kid who brought girls over to his giant mansion for a hook up.

Which was why the fact that he was working came as quite a big shock to me initially.
I guess I really don't understand the playboy after all.

Before I could ponder further, Grandma's shrill voice called from upstairs.
"Sean! Liz! You guys better be in one piece!"
"We are!" I shouted back.
"Woah. Time flies! It's already 7:15. I better head back home. " he glanced at his watch as he took his schoolbag off the floor and slung it over his shoulder.

"Bye Sugar lips."
He said casually as he walked out of the pizzeria.
"Bye to you too Fuckboy!" I yelled back.
"Liz! Language!" Grandma shouted from upstairs.

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