Chapter 2

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^^^^Sean Henderson

I cocked my eyebrow, shooting them a quizzical look.
He merely wore a cocky smirk on his face. Weirdo.
Seeing that he wasn't going to say anything, I was about leave this awkward situation. Suddenly, I felt a hand grip my wrist.

"Liz Summers?" I heard him say.
I froze in surprise and my head snapped back to him.
"What are you..."

Before I could finish my sentence, I felt his hand tug at my wrist, pulling me towards his chest and before I could react, I felt his lips cover mine. I was frozen in shock, unsure of what was happening. My eyes were wide open, head still processing what was happening. I could hear the loud cheers of his friends behind him along with a few gasps from random students, probably shocked at how the situation went from a 0 to a 100 real quick.

My heart thumped wildly as I felt his lips move against mine.

This... this is a kiss.

I could feel his hands on my cheek, securing my head as he kissed me. I could feel all eyes in the canteen on us.

This is a kiss... my very first kiss.

I felt his tongue prod at the entrance of my lips, asking for permission to enter.
My lips however, remained stubborn and motionless in shock.


Realisation hit me like a ton of bricks as I immediately shoved him away with all my strength, breaking the kiss.

I didn't even give him time to respond before my knee immediately shot up and hit him square in the family jewels.  I saw him immediately double over in pain, his face turning beet red as he clutched his crotch in pure agony, his face scrunched up as if he just bit into a lemon.
"Did you just..."
Gosh was I seething.
I was pretty sure the entire cafeteria heard my scream of anger.

I did, at least, felt a surge of satisfaction rush through me just by looking at his facial expression.

Serves him right

Without waiting for him to answer,  I wiped my mouth in pure disgust as I thought about how I just lost my first kiss to the ultimate playboy of the school. I stormed out of the cafeteria, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

My first kiss was officially gone...

Sean POV

"Dude, you should've seen the look on your face when she pushed you away. And and how you look when you got kneed? Priceless."

My friend, Jake couldn't stop laughing at me after Liz Summers rejected my kiss, possibly eradicate any chances of having children and humiliated me in front of the entire cafeteria.
I clenched my jaw and told him to shut up before I did what she did to me to him.

I replayed the incident in my mind, still feeling annoyed that I lost the bet with my friends. I had a confident bet that I could make any girl fall for me with just a kiss and I was so sure I would win. But, Jake just had to choose Liz Summers. I admit, he knew the girls in school well.

I cursed her under my breath, hating her for the humiliation she caused me. She was a nobody yet she rejected my kiss? She obviously overreacted. That was a fact. It was simply a kiss. It didn't mean anything!

"Remember to treat me to pizza today since you lost the bet!"
Jake reminded me with a cheshire grin.

"Another day... I start work at the pizzeria today and I don't need you to be there to spoil my image of a good employee."


"Oh Liz, it's alright. If I ever see that Sean Handerson, I'll kick his ass for you! "
Quinn said, patting my shoulder in an effort to comfort me.

I was feeling so down ever since Sean Handerson laid his freaking lips on mine and stole my first kiss. I was saving it for a GENTLEMEN who I love , not an asshole who I barely know!

What a waste of a first kiss.

To make matters worse, my reputation might be ruined as I probably just pissed off a bunch of Sean Handerson's fangirls by my strong rejection. Great. Not to mention, Sean Handerson is probably plotting his revenge at this very second.

"Its okay Quinn. I'm feeling better already."
I was grateful for her consolation about losing my first kiss so abruptly and to the playboy of the school.

It was already the end of lessons and Quinn and I were in the girl's restroom, me with tears running down my face and her, desperately trying to comfort me.

I was eager to get home and try to forget this morning's incident by eating at my grandma's pizzeria. The thought of my favourite Hawaiian pizza could brighten up my mood any day of the week.

I sped walk home that day, excited to taste the tangy flavour of my Hawaiian pizza on my tongue. The thought of it sent my stomach grumbling. I pushed open the glass door of my grandma's Pizzeria, causing the bell that hung from the door to ring, signalling my entrance.

I could see my grandma raising her head to see who had entered her already bustling pizzeria. Business seemed to be doing well since the pizzeria was filled with families and couples happily devouring their pizzas. My grandma's eyes met mine, before smile lines appeared at the sides of her eyes as she grinned at me.

"Grannie! I'm soooo hungry! Can you pleaseee make me a slice of Hawaiian pizza? Wait no! Scratch that! I want an entire pizza! Pretty please?"

I made my signature puppy dog eyes at her, sure that she would finally give in to my request for an entire pizza if she saw how adorable I look.

"Only this once! But on one condition."
"Oh my goodness. Really? Name it."
"Could you help me with the new guy I hired?
He should be here anytime soon. Maybe show him around the pizzeria some time? Or teach him how to knead the pizza dough? Anything to get him more acquainted with the restaurant."
New guy huh?
"If you needed help, you could've just asked me! I'll be happy to help out for free!"
"Its okay dear, just focus on your schoolwork! This boy really really wants a job."

"Ohh well, I guess I'll show him around then. Love you!"

I made my way towards a seat as I plugged my headphones in, waiting for the arrival of the new guy.

I wonder how who he is.

Hopefully he's nice.

He's probably really charming to be able to convince Grandma to hire him.

At this moment, I heard the bell ring, signalling the entrance of someone.
Ohh! Must be the new guy!
I eagerly turned towards the door with a bright smile on my face, hoping to make a good first impression, only to make eye contact with none other than Sean Handerson.

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