Chapter 14

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Sean POV
I took in the family photos hanging on the wall as I climbed up the stairs.

A photo with 3 year old Liz and her grandma carrying her on her back was framed up nicely and hung on the wall. They both looked so happy with broad smiles on their faces matching the bright sun in the background. I felt a tinge of jealousy in that moment. I never really had such a fun-filled moment with my family, let alone have such a joyous picture to frame and hang on the wall.

Most of our family portraits consisted of our entire family sitting up straight, wearing formal clothing, solemn looks on our faces, hair combed and styled neatly and with a dull grey background behind us while a professional photographer helped to take our picture.

As I continued walking up the dark stairway, I was met with a bright quaint flat at the end.
We walked further in while I took in my surroundings. More family pictures adorned the bright blue walls. I saw a small living room with the television blasting.

"This." Liz said as she smacked a door on our right, "is your room."

I muttered a thanks as I pushed open the door and flipped the switch on the wall, turning on the lights in the room. The walls were the same bright blue but this room felt emptier, probably because this was a guest room. I stretched as I felt sleepiness overcome me.

I watched as Liz exited my room, her blonde hair still tied in a messy ponytail, swinging around.
"Hey Liz?" I called out.
"Yeah?" She said, standing at the doorway of her room just opposite of mine.
"Good night sugar lips." I teased as a tired smile made its way on my lips.

"Good night fuck boy." She said as she entered her room and closed the door gently behind her. I caught a small smile playing on her lips.
A simple smile, but enough to make my smile a little wider.

Not putting much thought into it,  I sleepily made my way towards the comfy bed. Before I know it, I had already fallen sound asleep. Luckily for me, tomorrow was a Saturday, which means I would hopefully be able to catch enough sleep by then.

The next day...

I stretched my hands upwards as I yawned loudly. I brushed my fingers through my messy entangled bed hair as I hopped out of bed. I checked my alarm clock, only to see that it was already 10a.m. I took my clothes from the cabinet and walked into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and took my usual morning pee.

Apparently, I was still very tired as I was soon dozing off on the toilet.
However, when I was in the midst of nodding off, a loud scream shocked me awake.


"What what?" I woke up with a jolt, looking around groggily.
I saw Sean covering his eyes with his hands, looking away from me.
His entire face and neck was red with embarrassment. He stood there, right there at the door of my bathroom, shirtless with his upper body exposed.

Still not fully awake, I was still confused as to why Sean Henderson was standing in the doorway of my bathroom, shirtless.

That was before yesterday's events came crashing down on me like a ton of bricks, making me recall why Sean Henderson was in my house in the first place.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!" I yelled at the top of my voice as I tried to cover up any parts of me that might be exposed.

"AHHHHH I'M SORRY!" He yelled as he started screaming with me.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!!" I yelled frantically, violently pointing at the door knob.

He slammed the door close immediately but I could still hear him freaking out from behind the door.
I stayed there on the toilet, frozen in shock.

As I decided to head into the shower, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, noticing how horrible I looked. My hair was sticking out in all directions and resembled a bird's nest. Well technically I looked like this every morning.
Well shit.
He saw me like this.
He saw me looking like a mad woman dozing off on the toilet.
And who knows what else he saw...

I started frantically brushing my hair with my fingers and trying to make myself look presentable before I realised what I was doing.
Why do I even care about my morning face all of a sudden?

I usually never really cared, even if we had company over.
Even when grandma nagged me to look presentable.
I never bothered.
Why now?
Maybe you want to impress Sean.
A voice echoed in my mind.

I started to smack my face continuously in the mirror.
"Wake up Liz! You're probably still asleep!"
I grumbled as I headed to the shower to wash up as quickly as possible and hopefully, wash my mind off of all these weird thoughts.

As I stepped out of the shower, I immediately headed into my room, hoping to avoid all interaction with Sean.

I laid on my comfy bed and went on my phone, scrolling through instagram as usual.
I was planning to do my schoolwork only in the afternoon and probably help out grandma a little if needed. Besides, Sean's already here...

Procrastination at its best.
I laid there, just lazing around, minding my own business, when all of a sudden, I felt my bedroom door slam open before slamming close right after.

I immediately sat up on my bed,my head snapping towards the door, curious as to see who was making such a ruckus.
The sight before me immediately made my whole face flush a crimson red. My eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.
There stood none other than Sean Henderson, naked as the day he was born, with the exception of only a towel wrapped around the bottom half of his body.
Thank goodness for that.

He was leaning on my bedroom door, panting heavily, his chest rising up and down. I took in the features of his well- toned abs.
I had to admit, they were really well-defined...
Snap out of it Liz!
I stopped myself from drooling and tried to focus on why naked Sean Henderson was doing in my room.

"What the-"
"I know! I know!" He rubbed his face in embarrassment.
"Just listen to me first! I need clothes! Like fresh clothes."
"I can see that..." I glanced around the room awkwardly, trying to look at anywhere but him... or his abs... or that towel draped loosely around his hips...
"Hey! Look at me!" He snapped his fingers loudly, trying to catch my attention.

"I get it! You need clothes! Hold on. And keep that towel there!" I yelled as I got up from the bed and headed into my closet.

I rummaged through my clothes, pulling out a large oversized grey hoodie which I can never fit into and threw it towards his direction. I watched as he caught it with his free hand.

"I have absolutely no pants to lend you... or underwear..."

I sighed as I watched him wearing my grey hoodie, the towel still around his waist.
"Well, shit." He muttered.
"Unless..." an idea clicked in my head as I thought of a brilliant idea.
I turned towards my closet and rummaged it out.

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