Chapter 13

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Sean POV
I heard a loud "Yelp" from the other end of the phone before the phone hung up. The worst possible scenarios immediately raced through my mind.

Did some pervert get to her?
Is she being battered to mush right now?
Holy crap. I would feel guilty as fuck for the rest of my life if something were to happen to her.

I cursed under my breath as I hopped out of bed frantically. I ran all the way to the secluded park where Liz was probably at.

"Liz! Are you there?" I called out the moment I reached the deserted park. It sure was dark in here. Its no surprise that she's scared out of her wits here.

I pushed myself to walk further into the park, determined to find Liz and bring her back in one piece.  I was starting to overthink again before I heard  boisterous laughter which definitely came from Liz.

Wait what? Laughter?

I followed the source of the giggle, only to be met with the sight of Liz Summers sitting on one of the park's wooden benches, laughing with none other than Leo Adkinson from school.

I watched as she laughed at something he said, slapping his arm as she threw her head back and laughed like a mad person.

I instantly felt anger course through my veins as I recalled how scared I was and here she was, laughing away with Leo Adkinson.
Why was I even so worried about her safety?
Probably because of the lack of sleep...

I heard Liz call out.
My head immediately snapped towards her and my first instinct was to want to scream at her for making me panic so much at 1 a.m in the morning for nothing.
Not that I actually want something to happen.

But I held my tongue. I would'nt want to let her know how scared I, Sean Henderson, was for her.

I rolled my eyes as I made my way to her and Leo, taking long strides to reach them. I forced a non-chalent look on my tired face, pretending that I didn't care that Liz and Leo were basically flirting their asses off here while I was panicking less than a minute ago. The look of "I don't care about your safety but only about why you woke me up" was what I was really going for.

"I swear to god... Liz... if you've found someone to help you, why did you even call me?"

"I still needed someone to lead me to the pizzeria. Besides, Leo was just keeping me company while I wait for you." She shrugged as if she wasn't just full on hysterically sobbing a few moments before.

I heard Leo chuckle beside her as he stood up from the bench, before turning and offering a hand to Liz.
Pfft... suck up.
Even in the dark, I could see a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
I rolled my eyes at the sappy scene in front of me.

As I saw her place her hand in Leo's, I somehow felt a tinge of jealousy at how welcoming she was towards his gentlemanly act. 

So when I offered her my pockets, she immediately wanted to take her hands out but when he offered her his hand, she took it with so much affection and even blushed like a freaking schoolgirl. I mean.. well she is a schoolgirl but still.

I grumbled in annoyance and when I couldn't take it anymore, I just grabbed her other hand and started pulling her towards the park's exit.

"Bye Leo! See you in school on Monday!" She yelled as she craned her neck to see him, hands waving excitedly as she got dragged away by me.

I pursed my lips in plain annoyance at how enthusiastic she sounded. She didn't sound so excited when we bid our goodbyes.

Why on earth was I even bothered with how enthusiastic she sounds?
I'm definitely not myself when I'm sleep deprived. I used my free hand to slap my cheek repeatedly, trying to wake myself up.

I felt Liz's gaze on me, making me realise how stupid I looked, slapping myself while grasping her hand.

I immediately let go of her hand, putting on an annoyed expression once again.
"Hurry up before I lose anymore of my sleep." Irritation prominent in my voice.

I heard her grumble before trailing behind me. Once again, I found myself walking with Liz Summers towards the Pizzeria.

" Did you inform your Grandma?"
I asked, trying to break the silence.

" I was kinda planning to sneak into my room..." she mumbled.

"I swear, you are one irresponsible teenager. Your grandma must be scared to death now." I scolded her like a father to his child.

No response.

I curiously stole a glance at her, only to see that she has fallen asleep walking.
I couldn't help but laugh at how she walked; like a zombie, as she dragged her feet on the pavement.

I watched her as she is going to walk into a tree.
I grabbed her forearm gently and guided her away from the path of the tree, trying not to wake her up.

She sleepily grabbed my upper arm and laid her head snugly on my shoulder, both her hands tightly wrapped around my arm.

I raised my eyebrow. Sleepy Liz sure was clingy. Feeling a weird sense of contentment that Liz found my arm comfortable, I just let her continue sleeping while we walked. If I wasn't this tired, I probably would have shrugged her off but right now, I could'nt care less.

We walked the remaining of the journey like this with her occasionally shifting around as she sleep walked beside me.

Before I know it, we had reached the entrance of the pizzeria. Through the glass doors, I could tell the pizzeria was pitch dark.
I gently shook her awake.
She groggily raised her head from my shoulder,  and looked around at her surroundings.

I watched as her eyes widened when she realised what she was hugging. She jumped nearly a metre back from me while I snorted in amusement. She rolled her eyes as she brushed her hair back awkwardly.
"Great. Now we have to sneak in." She mumbled as she dug around in her pockets for nher keys.

As she unlocked the door, both of us gently pushed opened the door, careful not to ring the bell. However, the moment we entered the pizzeria, the lights to the pizzeria came on, showing a tired looking grandma glaring angrily at us.
"You better have a good explanation as to why you're late, young lady." She said sternly.

" I... I saw this drunk guy and I got scared and I just ran and got so lost and and ..."
I watched as she fumbled with her words like a child.

Drunk guy?
Now I feel even shittier for yelling at her.

"Sean? Sean!" I was snapped back to reality by Liz waving her hands frantically in front of me.
"Huh? Sorry I zoned out."

"Grandma just asked if you'd like to spend the night since its already so late. We have a spare bedroom upstairs."
I was about to refuse but I realised how heavy my eyelids were. There was no way I would have the energy to walk all the way back.
"Well, if you insist..." even in my tired state, a small smile still made its way on my face.
"Just follow me Sean."
She merely tugged at my hand and dragged me towards the stairway.

Hellllloooo! Are you enjoying the story so far? :))) Forgive me if my writing isnt really that smooth or perfect but I'll try to improve! Would really appreciate it if yall could maybe take the time to give me some feedback so that I know how I can improve! Thanks for reading once again!!!!

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