Chapter 15

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"Oh come on! It's not that bad!" I stifled my laughter as I saw how Sean Henderson looked.
"I'm reallly gonna get you back for this Liz!"
His entire face was beet red all the way down to his neck.
I burst out in laughter, unable to contain my laughter at the sight of Sean Henderson, the infamous playboy, in one of my oversized Hello Kitty sweatpants, hello kitty heads as patterns adorning the grey background of the pants.

"Would you rather run out on the streets in your boxers then?" He rolled his eyes in feign annoyance. He knew I had a point.
"So... I'll just tell Grandma that we'll heading out for awhile?" I gave him an innocent smile, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Ha. No. You mean I will be heading out for awhile. You are so not tagging along."
He retorted.
"And miss out all the fun? You cant stop me. And Besides, I really wanna see your apartment...please?"
He grumbled in annoyance.

"I don't really have a say, do I?"
"Nope!" I laughed as I skipped out of my bedroom and headed downstairs. I could feel Sean following behind.

" Grandma! Sean and I will be heading out for awhile! It'll be quick!"
"Okay! Be careful! And play nice!" I heard her yell out from upstairs as we exited the pizzeria.

"Chill Sean. You look like you're ready to run anytime."
"That's because I'm in a freaking hello kitty sweatpants! What if someone sees me?"

"Who would even spare you a glance? And besides, you look great!" I burst into another fit of laughter while Sean merely grumbled and rolled his eyes once more.
We were both out on the streets and luckily for Sean, there were not many pedestrians walking by.

We continued walking towards his apartment, him leading the way as I continued to scare him, pointing in random directions and shouting, "OH NO SEAN! THEY SAW YOU!". It was truly entertaining to see him swivel around so quickly, eyes wide in fear, before shooting me a deadly glare.
In the midst of all the teasing, I saw a group of juniors from our school, walking on the other side of the streets. I watched as they stopped in their tracks, recognising Sean from school. Well, he was pretty darn popular. They whipped out their phones, giggling and pointing towards us.

"Uhhh... Sean... I think there might be juniors watching us..." I pointed at them, trying to break the news to him that unfortunately, he might be subjected to endless teasing on Monday.

"I'm not falling for that again Liz." He said, rolling his eyes.
"Suit yourself" I shrugged as I peeled my eyes away from the juniors. It was his reputation on the line anyways.

He curiously sneaked a peak over at the direction I was pointing at. I could just sense the widening of his eyes and his sharp intake of air.

Before I could have a chance to laugh at his reaction, he grabbed my hand and started fleeing at high speed, dragging me behind. I was laughing like a maniac, thrilled at the speed we're running.

That's how we ended up running down the street like two mad people who just escaped from the asylum. We soon burst into fits of laughter as we ran together, both finding the situation pretty amusing.

Thinking about it... who knew that one day, I might end up holding hands with Sean Henderson and running away from a bunch of kids from school of a pair of hello kitty sweatpants?

We heaved from laughing and running at the same time, collapsing at the door of Sean Henderson's apartment. I took in my surroundings, quite amazed at how neat his apartment looked.

"You stay here while I change. Don't go poking around in my stuff!" He ordered as he headed to the bathroom, clothes ready in his hand.

I rolled my eyes as I sat down on his bed.
Hmm... comfy.
Before I even had a chance to poke around,
the door of his apartment opened and a pretty brunette entered the room, her head poking in first before her eyes landed on me.

"Hey! Is Sean around?"
"Yeah... he's in the bathroom..."
"Oh! Ohhhh..." Her face slipped into deep thought.
Seeing the confusion etched clearly on my face, she quickly explained.
"Oops! Sorry! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Stacey, one of Sean's uhh... fun buddy!" She smiled broadly before heading over to me, wanting a handshake.
Ohh .. fun buddy
I smiled back as I shook her hand. She seemed like a really nice person!

"So... how was last night?" She leaned forward slightly and seemed very eager.
"Last night?"
"Yeah! You know? You and Sean?"
My mind flashed back to when I got lost and how Leo appeared and Sean brought me back home.

"You know about last night?" I asked, confusion evident in my voice. How did she know about last night?

"Of course I know about last night!" She said as she winked.
Weird...maybe Sean told her about it. How embarrassing...

"Ohh... don't remind me about last night! I was so lost and then it was so dark and it was fucking scary!"

"That always happens to first timers!" She laughed as she signalled for me to go on.
First timers... for being lost?

"Well it wasn't really my first time but anyways, luckily for me, Leo appeared and he was like so nice and sweet and then Sean arrived and then I just kinda fell asleep all the way back home." I mumbled as I tried to recall what happened.

"Leo?! What?! You lucky girl!" She laughed as she gently punched my hand.
"Haha... yeah..." I laughed along, not sure what was so lucky about being lost.

"So you're back here for round two?"
Before I could decipher what she was saying, Sean's voice interrupted.

"Stacey?" I heard Sean's voice from the bathroom entrance.
Both our heads turned around to face him instinctively.
He was back in his usual clothes.
"Oh Hi Sean! Just talking to Liz here. You didn't tell me that you guys had a threesome!" She said while laughing.

I nearly choked on the air I was breathing.
"What!?" Me and Sean exclaimed together.
My face became hot instantly and I was pretty sure I was redder than the darkest shade of red there is.
" I never... I didn't have a... a..."
I was stuttering. The thought of having sex with three people was enough to send me into whirl.

" Didn't you say that last night, Leo and Sean were there and...?" It was her turn to be confused.

I face-palmed, realising how stupid I was. Of course she was talking about sex!

I heard Sean chuckling.
" Oh yes. It was awesome. " He cocked his eyebrow at me while my eyes widened to the size of meatballs. This asshole!
"Nonono! We... we didn't! We never! I swear! Holy crap Sean!" I yelled at him as he started laughing.

"Revenge is sweet." He said while laughing breathlessly. Like a fish out of water.

"Oh shoot! Look at the time! I best be off! You two have fun!" She said as she winked. She was about to head out before remembering something.

"Oh yah! Silly me!" She chuckled as she leaned over behind the bed post and brought up a pair of pink undies before exiting the apartment.

Just wanted to say thank you to every single reader ☺️☺️☺️☺️

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